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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2I, N, P and V

CAPTIVINGcaptiving v. Present participle of captive.
CAPTIVE v. to make a prisoner.
DEPRIVINGdepriving v. Present participle of deprive.
DEPRIVE v. to take something away from.
IMPROVINGimproving adj. That tends to improve someone or something (especially (dated) to educate or morally better a person).
improving v. Present participle of improve.
IMPROVE v. to make better.
INCEPTIVEinceptive adj. Beginning; of or relating to inception.
inceptive adj. (Grammar) Aspectually inflected to show that the action is beginning.
inceptive n. (Grammar) An inceptive construction.
PAVILIONSpavilions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pavilion.
PAVILION v. to cover with a large tent.
PIVOTINGSpivotings n. Plural of pivoting.
PIVOTING n. the section of a machine which pivots.
PLAINTIVEplaintive adj. Sounding sorrowful, mournful or melancholic.
PLAINTIVE adj. mournful, querulous.
PREINVITEPREINVITE v. to invite beforehand.
PREVISINGprevising v. Present participle of previse.
PREVISE v. to foresee.
PREVISIONprevision n. Advance knowledge; foresight.
prevision n. A prediction.
prevision v. To predict or envision the future.
PRIVATIONprivation n. (Philosophy) The state of being deprived of or lacking an attribute formerly or properly possessed;…
privation n. The state of being very poor, and lacking the basic necessities of life.
privation n. The act of depriving someone of such basic necessities; deprivation.
PROVIDINGproviding v. Present participle of provide.
providing n. Something provided; a provision.
PROVIDE v. to supply.
PROVININGprovining v. Present participle of provine.
PROVINE v. to propagate by layering.
PROVISIONprovision n. An item of goods or supplies, especially food, obtained for future use.
provision n. The act of providing, or making previous preparation.
provision n. Money set aside for a future event.
REPRIVINGrepriving v. Present participle of reprive.
REPRIVE v. (Spenser) to reprieve, also REPREEVE, REPRYVE.
VAMPIRINGvampiring v. Present participle of vampire.
VAMPIRE v. to prey upon.
VIEWPOINTviewpoint n. The position from which something is observed or considered.
viewpoint n. An angle, outlook or point of view.
view-point n. Alternative spelling of viewpoint.
VILIPENDSvilipends v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vilipend.
VILIPEND v. (Latin) to treat as of small worth; to contemn, disparage.
VULPINISMvulpinism n. The quality of being cunning like the fox; artfulness.
VULPINISM n. foxlike cunning.
VULPINITEvulpinite n. (Mineralogy) A scaly granular variety of anhydrite of a grayish-white colour, used for ornamental purposes.
VULPINITE n. a granular scaly form of the mineral anhydrite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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