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There are 16 nine-letter words containing 2I, K, O and T

BOOTIKINSbootikins n. Plural of bootikin.
BOOTIKIN n. (obsolete) a little boot, legging, or gaiter.
COOTIKINScootikins n. (Archaic, rare) spatterdashes.
COOTIKIN n. (Scots) a gaiter, also CUITIKIN, CUTIKIN.
CYTOKININcytokinin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a class of plant hormones involved in cell growth and division.
CYTOKININ n. any of numerous substances which regulate plant growth by inducing cell division.
DAKOITIESdakoities n. Plural of dakoity.
DAKOITY n. (Hindi) robbery by dacoits, also DACOITAGE, DACOITY, DAKOITI.
HORIATIKIhoriatiki n. Greek salad.
HORIATIKI n. (Modern Greek) a traditional Greek salad.
KAOLINITEkaolinite n. (Mineralogy) A common hydrous aluminosilicate mineral found in sediments, soils and sedimentary rocks…
KAOLINITE n. a hydrated aluminum silicate.
KILOLITERkiloliter n. Alternative spelling of kilolitre One thousand liters.
KILOLITER n. a unit of capacity, 1000 litres, also KILOLITRE.
KILOLITREkilolitre n. A unit of volume equivalent to 1000 litres, and equal to one cubic metre of water. Symbol: kl.
KILOLITRE n. one thousand litres, also KILOLITER.
KOMITAJISkomitajis n. Plural of komitaji.
KOMITAJI n. (Turkish) a member of the Bulgarian Revolutionary Committee in Macedonia; any Balkan guerilla, also COMITADJI.
LOOKITINGSorry, definition not available.
NICKPOINTnickpoint n. Alternative form of knickpoint.
nick␣point n. A point at which a river suffers a break of slope in its long profile; the current point of rejuvenation…
NICKPOINT n. a break of slope in a river profile, esp. where a new curve of erosion arising from rejuvenation intersects an earlier curve, also KNICKPOINT.
PERIAKTOIperiaktoi n. Plural of periaktos.
periaktoi n. A device for changing scenery in a theatre. A row of adjacent, three-sided columns form a backdrop to…
PERIAKTOS n. (Greek) in the ancient Greek theatre, a tall revolving prism at the side of the stage, projecting a variety of backdrops.
POINTLIKEpointlike adj. Resembling a point.
pointlike adj. (Physics) Having dimensions too small to be measured, or so small that it may be regarded as a point.
POINTLIKE adj. like a point.
POLITICKSpoliticks n. Obsolete form of politics.
politicks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of politick.
POLITICK v. to engage in politics.
TINTOOKIETINTOOKIE n. (Australian slang) a fawning or servile person.
YAKITORISyakitoris n. Plural of yakitori.
YAKITORI n. (Japanese) bitesize marinated chicken on small skewers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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