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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing 3I, M and O

BIOMININGbiomining n. The use of microorganisms to extract ions from ores.
BIOMINING n. microbiological mining.
IDIOMATICidiomatic adj. Pertaining or conforming to idiom, the natural mode of expression of a language.
idiomatic adj. Resembling or characteristic of an idiom.
idiomatic adj. (Music) Relating to parts or pieces which are written both within the natural physical limitations of…
IDIOTISMSidiotisms n. Plural of idiotism.
IDIOTISM n. the state of being an idiot, also IDIOCY, IDIOTCY.
IMITATIONimitation n. The act of imitating.
imitation n. (Attributive) A copy or simulation; something that is not the real thing.
IMITATION n. the act of imitating, a copy.
IMMISSIONimmission n. The act of immitting; injection or infusion.
IMMISSION n. insertion; infusion.
IMPOLITICimpolitic adj. Not in accordance with good policy.
LIMONITIClimonitic adj. Of or pertaining to limonite.
LIMONITIC adj. of or like limonite, hydrous sesquioxide of iron.
MICROMINImicromini n. A very short miniskirt.
MICROMINI n. something extremely small.
MINIATIONminiation n. The act or result of miniating; a painting or tingeing with vermilion.
MINIATION n. the act of painting with minium.
MINOXIDILminoxidil n. (Pharmacology) A compound used orally as a vasodilator to treat hypertension and topically to reverse baldness.
MINOXIDIL n. a peripheral vasodilator used to treat hypertension.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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