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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing 3I and 2L

FIBRILLINfibrillin n. A glycoprotein present in human skin, necessary for forming the elastic fibres in connective tissue.
FIBRILLIN n. a protein found in connective tissue.
FILICIDALfilicidal adj. Of or pertaining to filicide.
FILICIDAL adj. relating to filicide, the killing of one's own child.
FILLIPINGfilliping v. Present participle of fillip.
FILLIP v. to strike sharply.
ILLICITLYillicitly adv. In an illicit manner; illegally, immorally or inappropriately.
ILLICIT adv. unlawful, forbidden.
ILLIMITEDillimited adj. Not limited; interminable.
ILLIMITED adj. not limited; interminable.
ILLINIUMSILLINIUM n. a former name for the element promethium.
ILLISIONSillisions n. Plural of illision.
ILLISION n. the act of striking against something.
INFILLINGinfilling v. Present participle of infill.
infilling n. Infilled material.
INFILLING n. material used to fill up or level.
INITIALLYinitially adv. At the beginning.
INITIAL adv. at the beginning.
KILLIFISHkillifish n. Any of a number of tiny fish in the Cyprinodontiformes order of ray-finned fish.
KILLIFISH n. a small freshwater fish, used as bait, also KILLIE.
LIABILITYliability n. An obligation, debt or responsibility owed to someone.
liability n. A handicap that holds something back, a drawback, someone or something that is a burden to whoever is…
liability n. The likelihood of something happening.
LIBIDINALlibidinal adj. Relating or pertaining to the libido.
LIBIDINAL adj. relating to the libido.
LIPOLITICLIPOLITIC adj. of or like lipolysis, the disintegration of fat, also LIPOLYTIC.
MILIARIALmiliarial adj. Relating to miliaria.
MILIARIAL adj. of or like miliaria, a fever accompanied by an eruption of small, isolated, red pimples.
MINIMILLSminimills n. Plural of minimill.
MINIMILL n. a small-scale steel mill.
MINIPILLSminipills n. Plural of minipill.
MINIPILL n. a low dose oral contraceptive.
PENICILLIpenicilli n. Plural of penicillus.
PENICILLUS n. a small pad for wounds, also PENICIL.
SPILLIKINspillikin n. One of the straws (Or small pieces of wood, ivory, etc.) used in the game of jackstraws or spillikins.
SPILLIKIN n. a small slip of wood, ivory, etc., to be picked out from a heap without disturbing the others in the game of spillikins, also SPELLICAN, SPILIKIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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