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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing I, O, R, S and X

CORIXIDScorixids n. Plural of corixid.
CORIXID n. a type of water bug.
EXCITORSexcitors n. Plural of excitor.
EXCITOR n. one that excites, also EXCITER.
EXORCISEexorcise v. (Transitive) To drive out (an evil spirit) from a person, place or thing, especially by an incantation or prayer.
exorcise v. (Transitive) To rid (a person, place or thing) of an evil spirit.
EXORCISE v. to free of an evil spirit, also EXORCIZE.
EXORCISMexorcism n. The ritual act of driving out evil spirits from persons, places or things that are possessed by them.
EXORCISM n. the act of exorcising.
EXORCISTexorcist n. A person, especially a priest, who practices exorcism.
EXORCIST n. one who practices exorcism.
FOXFIRESFOXFIRE n. a glow produced by certain fungi on decaying wood.
NITROXESNITROX n. a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen, used in underwater breathing apparatus.
OREXISESOREXIS n. (Greek) an appetite.
ORIFEXESORIFEX n. (Shakespeare) an orifice.
OXIDISERoxidiser n. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of oxidizer.
OXIDISER n. an oxidant, also OXIDIZER.
PEROXIDSperoxids n. Plural of peroxid.
PEROXID n. a bleaching agent, also PEROXIDE.
POXVIRUSpoxvirus n. Any of a group of DNA viruses, of the family Poxviridae, that cause pox diseases in vertebrates.
Poxvirus prop.n. (Archaic) A taxonomic genus within the family unknown – see Orthopoxvirus.
POXVIRUS n. any one of a group of DNA-containing animal viruses.
SIXSCOREsixscore num. (Archaic) One hundred and twenty.
SIXSCORE n. one hundred and twenty.
TRIAXONStriaxons n. Plural of triaxon.
TRIAXON n. a sponge spicule with three axes, also TRIAXIAL.
TRIOXIDStrioxids n. Plural of trioxid.
TRIOXID n. an oxide containing three atoms of oxygen; as, sulphur trioxide, also TRIOXIDE.
UXORIOUSuxorious adj. Very devoted and possibly submissive to one’s wife.
UXORIOUS adj. excessively submissive or devoted to one's wife.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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