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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing I, O, P, T and V

ADOPTIVEadoptive adj. Related through adoption.
adoptive adj. Pertaining to adoption.
ADOPTIVE adj. due to adoption; having the specified familial relation by adoption.
ANVILTOPANVILTOP n. a cloud mass shaped like an anvil.
OPTATIVEoptative adj. Expressing a wish or a choice.
optative adj. (Grammar) Related or pertaining to the optative mood.
optative n. (Grammar) A mood of verbs found in some languages (e.g. Sanskrit, Old Prussian, and Ancient Greek, but…
OVERTIPSovertips v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overtip.
OVERTIP v. to tip more than is normal.
OVERTRIPovertrip v. (Transitive) To trip over nimbly.
OVERTRIP v. to trip nimbly over.
OVIPOSIToviposit v. (Intransitive, formal) To lay eggs.
OVIPOSIT v. to lay or deposit eggs, esp. of insects.
PIVOTERSpivoters n. Plural of pivoter.
PIVOTER n. someone who makes pivots.
PIVOTINGpivoting v. Present participle of pivot.
pivoting n. A motion by which something pivots.
pivoting n. The pivot-work in a machine.
PIVOTMANpivotman n. (Military) A pivot; the soldier around whom a body of troops wheels.
pivotman n. (Sports) A player in a central position.
pivotman n. (Figurative) A central or key person; someone around whom a particular project etc. rotates.
PIVOTMENpivotmen n. Plural of pivotman.
PIVOTMAN n. a centre on a basketball team.
POSITIVEpositive adj. Not negative or neutral.
positive adj. (Law) Formally laid down.
positive adj. Stated definitively and without qualification.
POSTDIVEpostdive adj. After a dive.
POSTDIVE adj. following a dive.
PROVIANTproviant n. (Scotland) provisions, especially for an army.
PROVIANT n. an allowance of food, also PROVAND, PROVEND, PROVENDER.
SORPTIVEsorptive adj. Relating to sorption or sorptivity.
SORPTIVE adj. tending to absorb and/or adsorb.
SPORTIVEsportive adj. (Archaic) lively; merry; spritely.
sportive adj. Playful, coltish.
sportive adj. Interested in sport.
UPVOTINGupvoting v. Present participle of upvote.
UPVOTE v. to register approval of (a post) on social media.
VIEWPORTviewport n. A viewing window.
viewport n. (Computer graphics) A typically rectangular region representing the range or area currently visible…
viewport v. (Transitive, computer graphics) To clip (an image or region) so that it fits in a viewport.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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