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There are 19 eight-letter words containing I, 2O, T and V

COGNOVITcognovit n. (Law) An instrument in writing whereby a defendant in an action acknowledges a plaintiff’s demand to be just.
COGNOVIT n. (Latin) in law, an acknowledgement by a defendant that the plaintiff's cause is just.
DEVOTIONdevotion n. (Uncountable) The act or state of devoting or being devoted.
devotion n. (Uncountable) Feeling of strong or fervent affection; dedication.
devotion n. (Uncountable) Religious veneration, zeal, or piety.
KILOVOLTkilovolt n. One thousand ( 103 ) volts. Symbol: kV or KV.
kilo-volt n. One thousand ( 103 ) volts. Symbol: kV or KV.
KILOVOLT n. a unit of electromotive force.
NOVATIONnovation n. (Law) Replacement of a contract with one or more new contracts, in particular in financial markets the…
novation n. (Law) A new contract between the original contracting parties whereby the first obligation is extinguished…
NOVATION n. the substitution of a new legal obligation for an old one.
OBVIATORobviator n. One who obviates.
OBVIATOR n. one who obviates.
OTTAVINOottavino n. (Music) A miniature virginal, pitched one octave higher than the larger version.
OTTAVINO n. (Italian) the piccolo.
OUTVOICEoutvoice v. (Transitive) To exceed in noise.
OUTVOICE v. (Shakespeare) to surpass in loudness of voice.
OVATIONSovations n. Plural of ovation.
ovations v. (Informal, rare) third-person singular simple present indicative form of ovation.
OVATION n. a demonstration of popular acclaim.
OVERTOILovertoil v. (Transitive) To weary (someone or something) excessively; to exhaust.
OVERTOIL v. to exhaust by excessive toil.
OVIPOSIToviposit v. (Intransitive, formal) To lay eggs.
OVIPOSIT v. to lay or deposit eggs, esp. of insects.
STOTINOVstotinov n. Plural of stotin.
STOTIN n. a monetary unit of Slovenia, worth one hundredth of a tolar.
VIOLATORviolator n. One who violates (A rule, a boundary, another person’s body, etc.); offender.
violator n. In the publishing and packaging industries, a visual element that intentionally "violates" the underlying…
VIOLATOR n. one who violates, also VIOLATER.
VIRTUOSOvirtuoso n. (Now historical) An expert in virtù or art objects and antiquities; a connoisseur.
virtuoso n. Someone with special skill or knowledge; an expert.
virtuoso n. Specifically, a musician (or other performer) with masterly ability, technique, or personal style.
VOCATIONvocation n. An inclination to undertake a certain kind of work, especially a religious career; often in response…
vocation n. An occupation for which a person is suited, trained or qualified.
VOCATION n. one's profession, business or occupation.
VOLITIONvolition n. A conscious choice or decision.
volition n. The mental power or ability of choosing; the will.
volition n. (Linguistics) A concept that distinguishes whether or not the subject or agent intended something.
VOLUTIONvolution n. A turning (rolling or revolving) motion.
volution n. A single turn (Of a coil etc.); a twist.
VOLUTION n. a revolving movement.
VOLUTOIDvolutoid adj. Like a volute.
VOLUTOID adj. like a volute.
VOMITORYvomitory n. The entrance into a theater or other large public venue, where masses of people are disgorged into the…
vomitory n. (Pharmacology) A substance that induces vomiting; an emetic.
vomitory adj. (Medicine, pharmacology) Inducing vomiting; emetic.
VOMITOUSvomitous adj. (US) Characteristic of, or causing one to vomit.
VOMITOUS adj. pertaining to vomiting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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