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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing I, 2O and 2P

APOCOPICapocopic adj. (Linguistics) Of or pertaining to apocope; lacking a final sound or syllable.
APOCOPIC adj. relating to apocope, the omission of the last sound or syllable of a word.
CIOPPINOcioppino n. An Italian-American shellfish and tomato stew.
CIOPPINO n. (Italian) a spicy fish stew.
DIPLOPODdiplopod n. Any animal of the class Diplopoda: a millipede.
DIPLOPOD n. any myriapod of the class Diplopoda bearing two pairs of legs on each segment.
EPIPLOONepiploon n. (Anatomy) The greater omentum.
EPIPLOON n. a free fold of the peritoneum, or one serving to connect viscera, support blood vessels, etc.
EPOPOEIAepopoeia n. Alternative form of epopee.
epopœia n. Obsolete form of epopee.
EPOPOEIA n. (Greek) an epic poem, also EPOPEE, EPOS.
LIRIPOOPliripoop n. (Obsolete) A pendent part of the old clerical tippet.
liripoop n. (Obsolete) A tippet; a scarf; worn also by doctors, learned men, etc.
liripoop n. (Obsolete) acuteness; smartness; knowledge.
LOLLIPOPlollipop n. An item of confectionery consisting of a piece of candy/sweet attached to a stick.
lollipop n. Something having the shape of a lollipop: a linear stem connected to a round body.
lolli-pop n. Alternative spelling of lollipop.
OPPOSINGopposing adj. That opposes or oppose; on the opposite side.
opposing v. Present participle of oppose.
OPPOSE v. to conflict with.
OPPOSITEopposite adj. Located directly across from something else, or from each other.
opposite adj. (Botany) Of leaves and flowers, positioned directly across from each other on a stem.
opposite adj. Facing in the other direction.
PHOTOPIAphotopia n. Normal daylight vision, in which the cone cells are used.
PHOTOPIA n. vision in illumination similar to daylight, believed to involve chiefly the cones of the retina.
PHOTOPICphotopic adj. (Of vision) used in normal daylight.
PHOTOPIC adj. relating to photopia, vision in illumination similar to daylight, believed to involve chiefly the cones of the retina.
POGONIPSpogonips n. Plural of pogonip.
POGONIP n. (Native American) a dense winter fog containing frozen particles that is formed in deep mountain valleys of the western US.
POLYPOIDpolypoid adj. Resembling a polyp.
polypoid adj. Marked by the presence of lesions suggesting polyps.
POLYPOID adj. like a (medical) polyp.
POMPIONSpompions n. Plural of pompion.
POMPION n. (obsolete) a pumpkin, also PUMPION, PUNKIN.
POOPIESTpoopiest adj. Superlative form of poopy: most poopy.
POOPY adj. stupid or ineffectual.
PORPOISEporpoise n. A small cetacean of the family Phocoenidae, related to dolphins and whales.
porpoise n. (North America, imprecisely) Any small dolphin.
porpoise v. (Intransitive) Said of an air-breathing aquatic animal such as a porpoise or penguin: To repeatedly…
PROPOLISpropolis n. An aromatic glue-like substance produced by honeybees from tree resin, waxes, and their own secretions…
PROPOLIS n. (Greek) a resinous substance used as a cement by bees.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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