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There are 19 eight-letter words containing I, 2N, R and Y

CARNYINGcarnying v. Present participle of carny.
CARNY v. to coax, wheedle, also CARNEY.
ENGINERYenginery n. (Archaic) Machinery made up of engines; instruments of war.
enginery n. (Archaic) The act or art of managing engines, or artillery.
enginery n. (Archaic) Any device or contrivance; machinery; structure or arrangement.
INFANTRYinfantry n. Soldiers who fight on foot (on land), as opposed to cavalry and other mounted units, regardless of external…
infantry n. (Uncountable) The part of an army consisting of infantry soldiers, especially opposed to mounted and technical troops.
infantry n. A regiment of infantry.
INNYARDSinnyards n. Plural of innyard.
INNYARD n. the courtyard surrounding an inn.
NONDAIRYnondairy adj. Not derived from dairy sources.
NONDAIRY adj. having no milk products.
NONLYRICnonlyric adj. Not lyric.
NONLYRIC adj. of music, not having lyrics.
PYRONINEpyronine n. Any of a group of xanthene dyes used to stain RNA, especially in electrophoresis.
PYRONINE n. (tradename) any of several xanthene dyes, also PYRONIN.
PYRONINSpyronins n. Plural of pyronin.
PYRONIN n. either of two synthetic red xanthene dyes, also PYRONINE.
RENAYINGrenaying v. Present participle of renay.
RENAY v. (obsolete) to renounce, abjure, also RENEY, RENY.
RENEYINGRENEY v. (obsolete) to renounce, abjure, also RENAY, RENY.
SHINNERYshinnery n. A dense thicket of trees, usually oaks.
SHINNERY n. a dense growth of small trees.
SPINNERYspinnery n. A mill or factory where spinning takes place.
SPINNERY n. a spinning mill.
TRAYNINGtrayning v. Present participle of trayne.
TRAYNE v. (Spenser) to train, to undergo instruction.
TYRANINGTYRAN v. to play the oppressor, also TYRANNE, TYRANT.
TYRANNICtyrannic adj. (Dated) Tyrannical.
TYRANNIC adj. like a tyrant, also TYRANNICAL.
TYRANNISTYRANNIS n. (Greek) an illegal regime.
YEARNINGyearning n. A wistful or melancholy longing.
yearning v. Present participle and gerund of yearn.
yearning n. (Scotland, archaic) rennet (an enzyme to curdle milk in order to make cheese).
ZEBRINNYzebrinny n. The offspring of a male horse and a female zebra.
ZEBRINNY n. the offspring of a male horse and a female zebra.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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