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There are 19 eight-letter words containing I, M, 2P and S

EPISPERMepisperm n. (Botany) The outer, protective layer of the seed of a flowering plant.
EPISPERM n. the skin or coat of a seed, esp. the outer coat.
MAPPINGSmappings n. Plural of mapping.
MAPPING n. a mathematical correspondence.
MAPPISTSmappists n. Plural of mappist.
MAPPIST n. one who works with maps.
MISAPPLYmisapply v. To apply incorrectly; to misuse.
MISAPPLY v. to apply wrongly.
MOPPIESTmoppiest adj. Superlative form of moppy: most moppy.
MOPPY adj. (obsolete) drunk.
PAPALISMpapalism n. Synonym of papism.
papalism n. (Historical) Hierocracy; the doctrine of the pope’s supreme authority in temporal as well as spiritual affairs.
PAPALISM n. the papal system.
PIMPINGSPIMPING n. the business of soliciting clients for a prostitute.
PIPESTEMpipestem n. The hollow stem or tube of a pipe used for smoking tobacco, etc.
pipestem n. The pale bridewort (Spiraea alba).
pipestem n. A driveway that leads to multiple residences, often maintained or owned jointly by the residents along…
PLUMPISHplumpish adj. Somewhat plump.
plumpish adv. (Informal) In a blunt and direct fashion.
PLUMPISH adj. somewhat plump.
POMPIERSpompiers n. Plural of pompier.
POMPIER n. (French) a conventional or imitative artist.
POMPIONSpompions n. Plural of pompion.
POMPION n. (obsolete) a pumpkin, also PUMPION, PUNKIN.
POPULISMpopulism n. (Philosophy) A political doctrine or philosophy that proposes that the rights and powers of ordinary…
populism n. (Derogatory) The practice of appealing to the interests of the common people.
POPULISM n. the political principles and practices of populists.
PRIAPISMpriapism n. (Pathology) A potentially painful or harmful medical condition in which the erect penis (erection) does…
priapism n. Obsessive focus on one’s genitals or on the need for genital gratification.
PRIAPISM n. a persistent erection of the penis.
PSEPHISMpsephism n. (Historical, Ancient Greece) A proposition adopted by a majority of votes, especially by the vote of…
PSEPHISM n. (historical) a decree of the Athenian assembly (from their voting with pebbles).
PUMPINGSpumpings n. Plural of pumping.
PUMPING n. as in optical pumping, a laser technique.
PUMPIONSpumpions n. Plural of pumpion.
PUMPION n. (obsolete) a pumpkin, also POMPION, PUNKIN.
PUMPKINSpumpkins n. Plural of pumpkin.
PUMPKIN n. a plant of the gourd family, or its fruit, also POMPION, PUMPION, PUNKIN.
PUPPYISMpuppyism n. Extreme meanness, affectation, conceit, or impudence.
puppyism n. Youthful folly.
PUPPYISM n. conceit in men.
SAPPHISMsapphism n. Lesbianism; female homosexuality.
SAPPHISM n. lesbianism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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