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There are 19 eight-letter words containing I, M, N, S and V

INCIVISMincivism n. Lack of civism or patriotism; unfriendliness to one’s state or government.
INCIVISM n. neglect of duty as a citizen.
MAILVANSmailvans n. Plural of mailvan.
MAILVAN n. any vehicle which carries public mail.
MINEVERSminevers n. Plural of minever.
MINEVER n. the ermine in winter coat, also MINIVER.
MINIVANSminivans n. Plural of minivan.
minivans v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of minivan.
MINIVAN n. a small van.
MINIVERSminivers n. Plural of miniver.
MINIVER n. the ermine in winter coat, also MINEVER.
MINIVETSminivets n. Plural of minivet.
MINIVET n. a brightly coloured shrike-like bird.
MISEVENTmisevent n. A bad or unfortunate event.
MISEVENT n. a mishap.
MISGIVENmisgiven v. Past participle of misgive.
MISGIVE v. to make doubtful or fearful.
NATIVISMnativism n. (Chiefly US) A policy of favoring native-born inhabitants over immigrants.
nativism n. The policy of perpetuating the culture of the natives of a colonised country.
nativism n. (Philosophy) The doctrine that some skills or abilities are innate and not learned.
NAVALISMnavalism n. Naval militarism.
NAVALISM n. the cult of naval supremacy.
NOVELISMnovelism n. (Uncountable, literature) The dominance of the novel as a literary form.
novelism n. (Obsolete) innovation.
NOVELISM n. innovation.
VAMOSINGvamosing v. Present participle of vamose.
VAMOSE v. to leave quickly, also VAMOOSE.
VAMPINGSvampings n. Plural of vamping.
VAMPING n. the patching of something.
VARMINTSvarmints n. Plural of varmint.
VARMINT n. an animal considered to be a pest, vermin, also VARMENT.
VEGANISMveganism n. A way of life which strictly avoids use of any kind of animal products and services that are based on…
VEGANISM n. the practice of eating only plant products.
VISNOMIEvisnomie n. Obsolete form of physiognomy.
VISNOMIE n. the act of judging character from appearance, also VISNOMY.
VITAMINSvitamins n. Plural of vitamin.
VITAMIN n. an organic substance essential to proper nutrition, also VITAMINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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