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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing I, L, N, U and W

BLUEWINGbluewing n. Anas discors (syn. Spatula discors), the blue-winged teal.
bluewing n. (Usually in the plural) Torenia (wishbone flower).
BLUEWING n. the blue-winged teal.
GLUHWEINgluhwein n. A type of mulled wine from German-speaking countries made from red wine with cinnamon and other herbs and spices.
GLUHWEIN n. (German) a hot sweetened spiced red wine.
GULLWINGgullwing adj. (Of a door, flap, wings etc.) Resembling a gull’s wings.
gullwing n. One of a pair of doors, as of an aircraft, resembling a gull’s wings when open.
gullwing n. (Nautical) Synonym of goose wing (sail position).
LAUWINESlauwines n. Plural of lauwine.
LAUWINE n. (German) an avalanche, also LAWINE.
UNLAWINGunlawing v. Present participle of unlaw.
UNLAW v. to deprive of the authority or character of law.
UNWARILYunwarily adv. In an unwary manner.
UNWARY adv. not wary, also UNWARIE.
UNWIELDYunwieldy adj. (Obsolete) Lacking strength; weak.
unwieldy adj. (Obsolete) Ungraceful in movement.
unwieldy adj. Difficult to carry, handle, manage or operate because of its size, weight, shape or complexity.
UNWIFELYunwifely adj. Not wifely.
UNWIFELY adj. not wifely.
UNWILFULunwilful adj. Not wilful.
UNWILFUL adj. not wilful.
UNWILLEDunwilled adj. Not disposed of in a legal will.
unwilled adj. Not willed or wished for.
UNWILL v. to deprive of will.
UNWISELYunwisely adv. In an unwise manner; foolishly.
UNWISE adv. not wise.
WAULINGSwaulings n. Plural of wauling.
WAULING n. the act of crying like a cat, also WAWLING.
WAULKINGwaulking v. Present participle of waulk.
waulking n. The work by which cloth is waulked.
WAULK v. to full (cloth), also WAUK.
WOUNDILYwoundily adv. (Obsolete) Excessively; greatly.
WOUNDY adv. (archaic) excessive.
WUZZLINGwuzzling v. Present participle of wuzzle.
WUZZLE v. (US) to jumble.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 51 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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