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There are 19 eight-letter words containing I, K, O and 2T

BITSTOCKbitstock n. A hand tool consisting of a crank which holds a fitted rotating drill bit tip, designed to bore holes…
BITSTOCK n. a brace on a drill.
BITTOCKSbittocks n. Plural of bittock.
BITTOCK n. (Scots) a small bit of anything; a short distance.
KILOWATTkilowatt n. One thousand (103) watts.
kilo-watt n. One thousand (103) watts. Symbol: kW or KW.
KILOWATT n. a unit of power.
KNOTTIERknottier adj. Comparative form of knotty: more knotty.
KNOTTY adj. full of knots.
KNOTTILYknottily adv. In a knotty way.
KNOTTY adv. full of knots.
KNOTTINGknotting v. Present participle of knot.
knotting n. (Chiefly mathematics) The formation of a knot.
knotting n. (Uncountable, zoology) The swelling of the bulbus glandis.
OUTSKIRToutskirt n. A more remote part of a town or city; the periphery, environs; a suburb.
outskirt v. (Transitive) To surround as an outskirt.
OUTSKIRT n. an outlying area.
OUTTHINKoutthink v. To best an opponent by thinking.
OUTTHINK v. to surpass in thinking.
OUTTRICKouttrick v. (Transitive) To surpass in trickery.
OUTTRICK v. to get the better of by trickery.
ROOTKITSrootkits n. Plural of rootkit.
root␣kits n. Plural of root kit.
ROOTKIT n. a set of programs used to gain unauthorized access to a computer's operating system, esp. in order to destroy or alter files, attack other computers, etc.
STICKOUTstickout n. A portion of wire extending from an electrode, important in the welding process.
stick␣out v. To protrude; to extend beyond.
stick␣out v. (Idiomatic) To be prominent, noticeable, or obtrusive.
STINKPOTstinkpot n. An annoying, bad or undesirable person.
stinkpot n. The common musk turtle, a species of turtle from southeastern Canada, Sternotherus odoratus.
stinkpot n. The southern giant petrel, Macronectes giganteus.
STOCKISTstockist n. A retailer or distributor who has stocks of a certain type of item for sale.
STOCKIST n. a shopkeeper who stocks a specific line.
STOTINKAstotinka n. A unit of currency in Bulgaria, worth one hundredth of a lev.
STOTINKA n. (Bulgarian) a Bulgarian monetary unit, worth one hundredth of a lev.
STOTINKIstotinki n. Plural of stotinka.
STOTINKA n. (Bulgarian) a Bulgarian monetary unit, worth one hundredth of a lev.
TICKTOCKticktock interj. Alternative form of tick tock.
ticktock n. Alternative form of tick tock.
tick-tock v. To make continual clicking sounds like those of an analog clock.
TIPSTOCKtipstock n. The detachable or movable fore part of a gunstock, lying beneath the barrel or barrels, and forming…
TIPSTOCK n. a part of a gun.
TOOLKITStoolkits n. Plural of toolkit.
tool␣kits n. Plural of tool kit.
TOOLKIT n. a set of tools.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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