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There are 18 eight-letter words containing I, K, M, N and U

BUMPKINSbumpkins n. Plural of bumpkin.
BUMPKIN n. a clumsy rustic.
CHIPMUNKchipmunk n. A squirrel-like rodent of the genus Tamias, native mainly to North America.
chipmunk v. (Transitive) To speed up (an audio recording, especially a song), to make the voices high-pitched.
chipmunk v. (Transitive) To fill (one’s mouth or cheeks) with food.
KIKUMONSKIKUMON n. (Japanese) the chrysanthemum badge of the Japanese emperor.
KRUMPINGkrumping n. (US, especially Los Angeles) A free, expressive and energetic style of hip-hop dancing.
KRUMPING n. a type of dancing in which participants, often wearing face paint, dance with one another in a fast and aggressive style mimicking a fight but without any physical contact.
LUMPKINSlumpkins n. Plural of lumpkin.
Lumpkins prop.n. Plural of Lumpkin.
LUMPKIN n. a lout.
MINDFUCKmindfuck n. (Slang, vulgar) Something that intentionally destabilizes, confuses or manipulates the mind of another person.
mindfuck v. (Slang, vulgar) To intentionally destabilize, confuse or manipulate the mind of another person.
mind␣fuck n. Alternative form of mindfuck.
MINSHUKUminshuku n. A type of hotel found in Japan, a cheaper version of a ryokan.
MINSHUKU n. (Japanese) a Japanese guest house.
MOUSEKINmousekin n. A little mouse.
mousekin n. A baby mouse.
MOUSEKIN n. (archaic) a little mouse.
MUNCHKINmunchkin n. (Informal) A child.
munchkin n. (Informal) A person of very short stature.
munchkin n. Alternative form of Munchkin (a domestic cat breed).
MUTCHKINmutchkin n. (Scotland) A unit of fluid capacity approximately equal to three-quarters of an imperial pint (0.43 litres).
MUTCHKIN n. (historical) an old unit of liquid measurement equal to 3/4 of an imperial pint.
NUMPKINSNUMPKIN n. a stupid person.
PUMPKINGpumpking n. (Programming, slang) A Perl user working on shared source code who has been temporarily designated as…
PUMPKING n. a person involved in a web-based project who has temporary but exclusive authority to make changes to the master source code.
PUMPKINSpumpkins n. Plural of pumpkin.
PUMPKIN n. a plant of the gourd family, or its fruit, also POMPION, PUMPION, PUNKIN.
THUMBKINthumbkin n. An instrument of torture for compressing the thumb; a thumbscrew.
THUMBKIN n. (Scots) an instrument of torture for compressing the thumb; a thumbscrew, also THUMBIKINS.
UNMAKINGunmaking v. Present participle of unmake.
unmaking n. The act by which something is unmade.
UNMAKING n. the act of undoing.
UNMILKEDunmilked adj. Not milked.
UNMILKED adj. not milked.
UPMAKINGupmaking v. Present participle of upmake.
upmaking n. (Nautical, historical) Pieces of plank or timber piled on each other as filling up in building, especially…
upmaking n. (Printing, historical) The arrangement of lines into columns or pages.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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