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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing 2I, T, V and Y

ACTIVITYactivity n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being active; activeness.
activity n. (Countable) Something done as an action or a movement.
activity n. (Countable) Something done for pleasure or entertainment, especially one involving movement or an excursion.
BOVINITYbovinity n. The condition of being bovine.
BOVINITY n. the state of being a bovine.
CIVILITYcivility n. Speech or behaviour that is fit for civil interactions; politeness, courtesy.
civility n. (Chiefly in the plural) An individual act or expression of polite behaviour; a courtesy.
civility n. (Now archaic) The state or fact of being civilized; civilization.
DIVINITYdivinity n. (Uncountable) The state, position, or fact of being a god or God. [from 14th c.].
divinity n. (Countable) Synonym of deity.
divinity n. A celestial being inferior to a supreme God but superior to man.
INVERITYinverity n. (Rare) Untruth, falsehood.
INVERITY n. lack of truth.
LIVIDITYlividity n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being livid.
lividity n. (Countable) A livid area of skin, such as a bruise, or as is often found on cadavers.
lividity n. (Uncountable) Livor mortis, suggillation.
MOTIVITYmotivity n. The power or ability to move.
MOTIVITY n. the ability to move, also MOTILITY.
NATIVITYnativity n. (Now dated) Someone’s birth; the place, time and circumstances of a birth.
nativity n. (Astrology) Someone’s birth considered as a means of astrology; a horoscope associated with a person’s birth.
nativity n. (Also with capital initial) The birth of Jesus.
RIVALITYrivality n. (Obsolete) rivalry; competition.
rivality n. (Obsolete) equality, as of right or rank.
RIVALITY n. competition, also RIVALRY.
VAGILITYvagility n. (Biology) The degree to which an organism or taxon can or does move or spread within an environment.
VAGILITY n. freedom of movement.
VALIDITYvalidity n. The state of being valid, authentic or genuine.
validity n. State of having legal force.
validity n. A quality of a measurement indicating the degree to which the measure reflects the underlying construct…
VAPIDITYvapidity n. The state or quality of being vapid; vapidness.
VAPIDITY n. the state of being vapid.
VICINITYvicinity n. Proximity; the state of being near.
vicinity n. Neighbourhood; nearby region; surrounding area.
vicinity n. Approximate size or amount.
VINOSITYvinosity n. The quality or state of being vinous, or of having some essential characteristic of wine.
VINOSITY n. the character of a wine.
VIRALITYvirality n. (Advertising, marketing) The state or condition of being viral; tendency to spread by word of mouth.
VIRALITY n. the state of being viral.
VIRIDITYviridity n. The state or condition of being virid.
VIRIDITY n. the state of being virid, bright green.
VIRILITYvirility n. The state of being virile.
virility n. Manly character, quality, or nature.
virility n. The ability of a man to procreate.
VITALITYvitality n. The capacity to live and develop.
vitality n. Energy or vigour.
vitality n. That which distinguishes living from nonliving things; life, animateness.
VIVACITYvivacity n. The quality or state of being vivacious.
VIVACITY n. the state of being vivacious, lively.
VIVIDITYvividity n. (Uncountable, rare) Synonym of vividness.
vividity n. (Countable) A vivid thing.
VIVIDITY n. the state of being vivid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 34 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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