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There are 18 eight-letter words containing 2I, 2T and V

ACTIVISTactivist n. One who is politically active in the role of a citizen; especially, one who campaigns for change.
activist n. One who is conspicuously active in carrying out any occupational or professional functions.
activist adj. Behaving as an activist.
ACTIVITYactivity n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being active; activeness.
activity n. (Countable) Something done as an action or a movement.
activity n. (Countable) Something done for pleasure or entertainment, especially one involving movement or an excursion.
MOTIVITYmotivity n. The power or ability to move.
MOTIVITY n. the ability to move, also MOTILITY.
NATIVISTnativist n. An advocate of nativism.
nativist adj. Related to nativism.
NATIVIST n. an advocate of nativism, the belief that the mind possesses inborn thoughts.
NATIVITYnativity n. (Now dated) Someone’s birth; the place, time and circumstances of a birth.
nativity n. (Astrology) Someone’s birth considered as a means of astrology; a horoscope associated with a person’s birth.
nativity n. (Also with capital initial) The birth of Jesus.
STIVIESTSTIVY adj. stuffy.
TIDIVATEtidivate v. Alternative spelling of titivate.
TIDIVATE v. to smarten up.
TITIVATEtitivate v. To make small improvements or alterations to (One’s appearance etc.); to add some finishing touches…
TITIVATE v. to spruce up or adorn, also TIDIVATE, TITTIVATE.
TOTITIVEtotitive n. (Mathematics) Alternative form of totative.
TOTITIVE n. a number less than another and prime to it.
VISITANTvisitant n. One who visits; a guest; a visitor.
visitant n. A spectre or ghost.
visitant n. A migratory bird that makes a temporary stop somewhere.
VITALISTvitalist adj. Of or espousing vitalism, the doctrine that life cannot be entirely reduced to physical and chemical factors.
vitalist n. Someone who believes in vitalism, the doctrine that life cannot be entirely reduced to physical and chemical factors.
VITALIST n. one who holds to the doctrine of vitalism.
VITALITYvitality n. The capacity to live and develop.
vitality n. Energy or vigour.
vitality n. That which distinguishes living from nonliving things; life, animateness.
VITATIVEvitative adj. (Phrenology, archaic) Of or relating to vitality, love of life, and resistance to death and disease.
VITATIVE adj. concerned with the preservation of life.
VITIATEDvitiated v. Simple past tense and past participle of vitiate.
VITIATE v. to impair the quality of, also VICIATE.
VITIATESvitiates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vitiate.
VITIATE v. to impair the quality of, also VICIATE.
VITIATORvitiator n. That which vitiates.
VITIATOR n. one who vitiates.
VITICETAviticeta n. Plural of viticetum.
VITICETUM n. a plantation of vines.
VITTLINGvittling v. Present participle of vittle.
VITTLE v. (dialect) to provide with food, also VICTUAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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