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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing 2I, O, R and Z

DORIZINGDORIZE v. (Greek) to become like the Dorians, also DORISE.
IDOLIZERidolizer n. One who idolizes.
IDOLIZER n. one who idolises, also IDOLISER.
IODIZERSiodizers n. Plural of iodizer.
IODIZER n. one that iodizes, also IODISER.
IONIZERSionizers n. Plural of ionizer.
IONIZER n. something that ionizes, also IONISER.
IRONIZEDironized v. Simple past tense and past participle of ironize.
IRONIZE v. to satirize with irony, also IRONISE.
IRONIZESironizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ironize.
IRONIZE v. to satirize with irony, also IRONISE.
LIONIZERlionizer n. Someone who lionizes.
LIONIZER n. one who lionizes, also LIONISER.
OXIDIZERoxidizer n. (Chemistry) An oxidizing agent, especially one used to oxidize the fuel of a rocket or a fuel cell.
OXIDIZER n. an oxidant, also OXIDISER.
PIROZHKIpirozhki n. Small pastries filled with finely chopped meat, vegetables or fruit baked or fried, from eastern European…
pirozhki n. A single such pastry.
PIROZHOK n. a small, Russian pastry.
RHIZOBIArhizobia n. Plural of rhizobium.
RHIZOBIUM n. a bacterium important in nitrogen fixation in leguminous plants.
RHIZOIDSrhizoids n. Plural of rhizoid.
RHIZOID n. a short hairlike organ in the lower plants, serving as a root.
RHIZOMICrhizomic adj. Relating to a rhizome.
RHIZOMIC adj. relating to a rhizome, a horizontal underground stem.
RIOTIZESRIOTIZE n. (obsolete) riot, extravagance, also RIOTISE.
ROZITINGROZIT v. (Scots) to rosin, also ROSET, ROSIT, ROZET.
SIRONIZESIRONIZE v. to use a particular process to treat fabric to prevent wrinkling, also SIRONISE.
VIZORINGVIZOR v. to provide with a projecting brim, also VISOR.
ZIRCONIAzirconia n. (Chemistry) The oxide of zirconium, obtained as a white powder, and possessing both acid and basic properties…
ZIRCONIA n. an oxide of zirconium.
ZIRCONICzirconic adj. Pertaining to, or composed of zirconium or zircons.
ZIRCONIC adj. pertaining to the metallic element zirconium.
ZOIATRIAzoiatria n. (Archaic) veterinary medicine.
ZOIATRIA n. (Greek) veterinary surgery.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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