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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing 2I, N, P and V

FIVEPINSfivepins n. Plural of fivepin.
fivepins n. The game of fivepin bowling.
FIVEPINS n. a bowling game.
IMPAVINGimpaving v. Present participle of impave.
IMPAVE v. to set in a pavement.
PAVILIONpavilion n. An ornate tent.
pavilion n. A light roofed structure used as a shelter in a public place.
pavilion n. A structure, sometimes temporary, erected to house exhibits at a fair, etc.
PIVOTINGpivoting v. Present participle of pivot.
pivoting n. A motion by which something pivots.
pivoting n. The pivot-work in a machine.
PRIEVINGprieving v. Present participle of prieve.
PRIEVE v. to prove, also PREEVE, PREVE.
PUNITIVEpunitive adj. (Law, military) Inflicting punishment; punishing.
PUNITIVE adj. relating to punishment, also PUNITORY.
UPDIVINGupdiving v. Present participle of updive.
UPDIVE v. to spring upward.
VILIPENDvilipend v. (Transitive, dated, formal) To treat (something) as inconsequential or worthless; to despise, to look down on.
vilipend v. (Transitive, dated, formal) To express a disparaging opinion of; to slander or vilify.
VILIPEND v. (Latin) to treat as of small worth; to contemn, disparage.
VIPERINEviperine adj. Of, relating to or resembling a viper.
viperine n. Any viper of the subfamily Viperinae.
VIPERINE adj. of or pertaining to a viper or vipers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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