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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 2I, 2M and R

BRIMMINGbrimming v. Present participle of brim.
brimming adj. Full to the brim.
BRIM v. to fill to the top.
DIMERISMdimerism n. The property of being dimerous.
DIMERISM n. the state of being dimerous, having two parts or members, specifically in a whorl.
IMMURINGimmuring v. Present participle of immure.
immuring n. The act of walling up.
IMMURE v. to enclose behind walls, also EMURE.
IMPERIUMimperium n. Supreme power; dominion.
imperium n. The right to command the force of the state; sovereignty.
IMPERIUM n. (Latin) empire, absolute power.
IMPRIMISimprimis adv. In the first place (used to introduce a list of items or considerations).
IMPRIMIS adv. (Latin) in the first place: originally used to introduce the first of a number of articles in a list, such as a will, an inventory, etc.
MARITIMEmaritime adj. Relating to or connected with the sea or its uses (As navigation, commerce, etc.).
maritime adj. Bordering on the sea; living near the seacoast; coastal.
maritime adj. (Zoology) Inhabiting the seashore; living coastwise; littoral. (distinguished from marine)
MILLIREMmillirem n. One thousandth of a rem.
MILLIREM n. a quantity of ionizing radiation, one thousandth of a rem.
MIMICKERmimicker n. Synonym of mimic (noun).
MIMICKER n. one who mimics.
MINIMARTminimart n. A convenience store.
mini-mart n. Alternative form of minimart.
MINIMART n. a small supermarket, convenience store, also MINIMARKET.
MIROMIROmiromiro n. The tom-tit.
MIROMIRO n. (Maori) a small New Zealand bird.
PRIMMINGprimming v. Present participle of prim.
PRIM v. to give a prim expression to.
RIMMINGSrimmings n. Plural of rimming.
RIMMING n. stimulation of the anus.
SWIMMIERSWIMMY adj. blurred, swimming.
TRIMMINGtrimming n. (Uncountable) The act or process of someone who trims.
trimming n. (Countable) An instance of that act or process.
trimming n. (Countable) Material that is removed by someone trimming something, as a piece of steak.
WHIMMIERWHIMMY adj. full of whims.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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