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There are 19 eight-letter words containing 2I, L, T and W

LEWISITElewisite n. An organoarsenic compound used as a chemical weapon.
LEWISITE n. an irritant and poison gas used for chemical warfare.
TAILWINDtailwind n. A wind that blows in the same direction as the course taken by an aircraft, sailing ship, bird, etc.
tailwind n. (Figurative, by extension) A force that accelerates progress.
tailwind v. Of wind, to blow on a windmill or wind turbine in such a way that wind pressure is exerted on the wrong…
TWIBILLStwibills n. Plural of twibill.
TWIBILL n. a battleaxe with two cutting edges, also TWIBIL.
TWICHILDtwichild adj. (Obsolete) Being in second childhood.
TWICHILD n. a person in his or her second childhood.
TWIGLIKEtwiglike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a twig; thin and brittle.
TWIGLIKE adj. like a twig.
TWILIGHTtwilight n. The soft light in the sky seen before the rising and (especially) after the setting of the sun, occasioned…
twilight n. The time when this light is visible; the period between daylight and darkness.
twilight n. (Astronomy) The time when the sun is less than 18° below the horizon.
TWILLIEStwillies n. Plural of twilly.
TWILLY n. a willowing machine.
TWILLINGtwilling n. Twilled fabric or patterning, or the process which produces this.
TWILLING n. a twilled fabric.
TWILTINGtwilting v. Present participle of twilt.
TWILT v. to quilt.
TWINLINGtwinling n. A twin. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
twinling n. A small or young twin, especially a twin lamb.
TWINLING n. a young or little twin, esp. a twin lamb.
TWIRLIERtwirlier adj. Comparative form of twirly: more twirly.
TWIRLY adj. curved.
TWIRLINGtwirling v. Present participle of twirl.
twirling n. The motion of something that twirls.
TWIRL v. to rotate rapidly.
WAITLISTwaitlist n. A waiting list.
waitlist v. (Transitive) To place on a waiting list.
wait-list n. Alternative spelling of waitlist.
WHIPTAILwhiptail n. Any of many New World lizards, of the family Teiidae, that have long, slender tails.
whiptail n. A fish, the blue grenadier, Macruronus novaezelandiae.
whiptail n. (Uncountable) A leaf-distorting disorder in the cauliflower, caused by molybdenum deficiency.
WHITLINGwhitling n. (UK, dialect) A young full trout during its second season.
WHITLING n. a young bull trout.
WINTLINGwintling v. Present participle of wintle.
WINTLE v. (Scots) to stagger.
WINTRILYwintrily adv. In a wintry manner.
WINTRY adv. having the characteristics of winter, also WINTERLY, WINTERY.
WITBLITSwitblits n. (South Africa) Home-distilled brandy or raw spirit, colourless and with a powerful kick.
WITBLITS n. (South African) a strong home-distilled alcoholic spirit.
WITLINGSwitlings n. Plural of witling.
WITLING n. one who considers himself witty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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