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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 3I, N and O

DIVISIONdivision n. (Uncountable) The act or process of dividing anything.
division n. Each of the separate parts of something resulting from division.
division n. (Arithmetic, uncountable) The process of dividing a number by another.
HIKOIINGhikoiing v. Present participle of hikoi.
HIKOI v. (Maori) to take part in a protest march.
IGNITIONignition n. The act of igniting.
ignition n. The initiation of combustion.
ignition n. (Automotive, mechanical engineering) A system for activating combustion in a combustion engine.
ILLISIONillision n. (Obsolete) The act of dashing or striking against.
ILLISION n. the act of striking against something.
INCISIONincision n. A cut, especially one made by a scalpel or similar medical tool in the context of surgical operation;…
incision n. The act of cutting into a substance.
incision n. (Obsolete) Separation or solution of viscid matter by medicines.
INDIGOIDindigoid adj. (Organic chemistry) Having a structure related to indigotin.
indigoid n. (Organic chemistry) Any compound having a structure related to indigotin.
INDIGOID n. a blue dye.
INFIXIONinfixion n. (Linguistics) The addition of an infix.
INFIXION n. the act of infixing.
IODISINGiodising v. Present participle of iodise.
IODISE v. to treat with iodine, also IODIZE.
IODIZINGiodizing v. Present participle of iodize.
IODIZE v. to treat with iodine, also IODISE.
IONICITYionicity n. (Uncountable) The condition of being ionic.
ionicity n. (Countable) The extent to which something is ionic.
IONICITY n. the state of existing as an ion.
IONISINGionising adj. (Britain) Alternative spelling of ionizing.
ionising v. (Britain) present participle of ionise.
IONISE v. to convert into ions, also IONIZE.
IONIZINGionizing adj. Capable of producing ions.
ionizing v. Present participle of ionize.
IONIZE v. to convert into ions, also IONISE.
IRRISIONirrision n. (Obsolete) The act of laughing at another; derision.
IRRISION n. the act of laughing at another.
OLIVINIColivinic adj. Of or relating to the mineral olivine.
OLIVINIC adj. of or like olivine, a mineral, iron and magnesium silicate.
SIGNIORISIGNOR n. (Italian) an Italian title of courtesy for a man, also SIGNIOR, SIGNORE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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