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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 3I, L and T

CIVILISTcivilist n. (Obsolete) One who studies or works with the civil law.
civilist n. (Obsolete, theology) One who rejects the moral authority of Christ but who nevertheless adheres to a…
civilist n. (Obsolete) A statesman, politician, or student of the political sciences.
CIVILITYcivility n. Speech or behaviour that is fit for civil interactions; politeness, courtesy.
civility n. (Chiefly in the plural) An individual act or expression of polite behaviour; a courtesy.
civility n. (Now archaic) The state or fact of being civilized; civilization.
IMPLICITimplicit adj. Implied indirectly, without being directly expressed.
implicit adj. Contained in the essential nature of something but not openly shown.
implicit adj. Having no reservations or doubts; unquestioning or unconditional; usually said of faith or trust.
INITIALSinitials n. Plural of initial.
initials n. An abbreviation of a person’s name, constructed by taking the initial letters of first, last, and sometimes…
initials v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of initial.
KILIKITIkilikiti n. A variant of cricket, originating in Samoa and now played throughout Polynesia, with three-sided wooden…
KILIKITI n. a Polynesian version of cricket played by teams of 15-20 players.
LIGNITIClignitic adj. Containing or resembling lignite.
LIGNITIC adj. of or containing lignite.
LIMITINGlimiting n. A limitation.
limiting v. Present participle of limit.
LIMITING adj. setting a limit.
LIVIDITYlividity n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being livid.
lividity n. (Countable) A livid area of skin, such as a bruise, or as is often found on cadavers.
lividity n. (Uncountable) Livor mortis, suggillation.
MILITIASmilitias n. Plural of militia.
MILITIA n. (Latin) a military force raised from the civilian population, as distinguished from mercenaries or professional soldiers.
NIHILISTnihilist n. (Philosophy, religion) A person who accepts or champions nihilism.
nihilist n. An absolute skeptic; a person who believes in the truth of nothing.
NIHILIST n. an adherent of nihilism.
NIHILITYnihility n. The state or fact of being nothing; nothingness, nullity; nonexistence.
nihility n. (Obsolete, countable) A nonexistent thing; nothing.
NIHILITY n. the state of being nothing.
SPILITICspilitic adj. (Geology) Of or relating to spilite.
SPILITIC adj. of or like spilite, a fine-grained igneous rock of basaltic composition.
TIBIALIStibialis n. Either of two muscles that attach to the tibia.
TIBIALIS n. a muscle in the calf of the leg.
VIRILITYvirility n. The state of being virile.
virility n. Manly character, quality, or nature.
virility n. The ability of a man to procreate.
VITILIGOvitiligo n. (Dermatology) The patchy loss of skin pigmentation.
vitiligo n. (Obsolete) Alphos, a form of leprosy.
VITILIGO n. (Latin) a rare skin disease consisting in the development of smooth, milk-white spots upon various parts of the body.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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