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There are 14 seven-letter words containing I, 2S, T and V

DIVESTSdivests v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of divest.
DIVEST v. to strip or deprive of anything.
INVESTSinvests v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of invest.
invests n. Plural of invest.
INVEST v. to lay out for profit.
SOVIETSsoviets n. Plural of soviet.
Soviets n. Plural of Soviet.
SOVIET n. (Russian) a legislative body in a Communist country.
STEVIASstevias n. Plural of stevia.
STEVIA n. a South American plant cultivated for its sweet-tasting leaves; an extract of this plant used to sweeten foods.
STIVERSstivers n. Plural of stiver.
Stivers prop.n. Plural of Stiver.
STIVER n. (Dutch) a former Dutch coin, also STUIVER.
STOVIESstovies n. A traditional Scottish dish of stewed potatoes and onions with cold meat.
STOVIES n. (Scots) a thick stew of potatoes, lard, onions and sausage-meat.
STRIVESstrives v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of strive.
strives n. Plural of strive.
STRIVE v. to try hard.
SWIVETSswivets n. Plural of swivet.
SWIVET n. (dialect) a state of extreme agitation.
TREVISStreviss n. A stall for an animal.
treviss n. A bar or beam that separates animals’ stalls.
TREVISS n. a stall, also TRAVIS, TREVIS.
TUSSIVEtussive adj. (Medicine) Related to, caused by, or accompanied by a cough.
TUSSIVE adj. relating to a cough, also TUSSAL.
VERISTSverists n. Plural of verist.
VERIST n. an adherent of verism, an artistic preference for the everyday over the legendary.
VIBISTSvibists n. Plural of vibist.
VIBIST n. (colloquial) a person who plays the vibraphone.
VISITESvisites n. Plural of visite.
VISITE n. (French) a light cape or short cloak of silk or lace worn by women in summer.
VITESSEVITESSE n. (French) speed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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