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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing I, 2R and 2T

CRITTERcritter n. (Usually endearing) A creature, an animal.
CRITTER n. a creature, also CRITTUR.
CRITTURcrittur n. Pronunciation spelling of creature.
CRITTUR n. (colloquial) a creature, also CRITTER.
FRITTERfritter n. A dish made by deep-frying food coated in batter.
fritter n. A fragment; a shred; a small piece.
fritter v. (Intransitive, often with about, around, or away) To squander or waste time, money, or other resources;…
GRITTERgritter n. A vehicle that applies grit to icy roads to improve traction.
GRITTER n. a vehicle for spreading grit.
RATTIERrattier adj. Comparative form of ratty: more ratty.
RATTY adj. infested with rats.
RETRAITretrait n. (Obsolete) A picture or other visual representation.
retrait adj. (Obsolete) retired.
retrait n. Obsolete form of retreat.
RITTERSritters n. Plural of ritter.
RITTER n. (German) a German or Austrian knight or mounted warrior.
RUTTIERruttier n. (Obsolete) A chart of a course, especially at sea.
RUTTY adj. marked by ruts.
TARTIERtartier adj. Comparative form of tarty: more tarty.
TARTY adj. like a prostitute.
TERRITSterrits n. Plural of territ.
TERRIT n. a metal ring on a harness through which the reins pass, also TERRET, TORRET.
TIRRITSTIRRIT n. (Shakespeare) Mistress Quickly's word for alarm, fright.
TORTRIXtortrix n. (Entomology) A tortrix moth, any member of the family Tortricidae.
Tortrix prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Tortricidae – certain moths.
TORTRIX n. a kind of small moth.
TRAITORtraitor n. Someone who violates an allegiance and betrays their country; someone guilty of treason; one who, in…
traitor n. Someone who takes arms and levies war against their country; or one who aids an enemy in conquering their country.
traitor n. (By extension) One who betrays any confidence or trust.
TRIPARTtripart adj. Having three parts.
TRIPART adj. divided into three parts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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