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There are 19 seven-letter words containing I, P, R, T and Y

BIPARTYbiparty adj. Involving two parties or entities.
BIPARTY adj. of two parties.
CRYPTICcryptic adj. Having hidden (unapparent) meaning.
cryptic adj. Mystified or of an obscure nature.
cryptic adj. Involving use of a code or cipher.
PETRIFYpetrify v. To harden organic matter by permeating with water and depositing dissolved minerals.
petrify v. To produce rigidity akin to stone.
petrify v. To immobilize with fright.
PRAVITYpravity n. (Now rare, archaic) perversion, depravity; wickedness.
PRAVITY n. wickedness.
PRIVITYprivity n. (Obsolete) A divine mystery; something known only to God, or revealed only in holy scriptures.
privity n. (Now rare, archaic) Privacy, secrecy.
privity n. (Obsolete) A private matter, a secret.
PROBITYprobity n. Integrity, especially of the quality of having strong moral principles; decency and honesty.
PROBITY n. complete and confirmed integrity.
PYRETICpyretic adj. Caused by, pertaining to or resulting in fever.
pyretic n. A remedy for fever.
PYRETIC adj. pertaining to fever.
PYRITESpyrites n. Plural of pyrite.
PYRITES n. (Greek) a brassy yellow mineral, iron disulphide, also PYRITE.
PYRITICpyritic adj. Of, relating to, or consisting of pyrite or pyrites.
PYRITIC adj. consisting of, or resembling, pyrites, also PYRITICAL, PYRITOUS.
SPIRITYspirity adj. Full of spirit; spirited.
SPIRITY adj. (dialect) spirited; spirituous.
SPRITZYspritzy adj. Alternative form of spritzig (“of wine: lightly sparkling”).
spritzy adj. Light and effervescent.
SPRITZY adj. emitting a spray.
STRIPEYstripey adj. Alternative spelling of stripy.
stripey n. (Australia) A marine fish found from Australia to Hawaii and Japan, Microcanthus strigosus, which is…
stripey n. Any fish in the kyphosid subfamily Microcanthinae.
TOPIARYtopiary adj. Of, or relating to art of topiaries.
topiary adj. Of a tree or shrub, trimmed in artistic shape.
topiary n. (Uncountable) Art or practice of trimming shrubs or trees in artistic or ornamental shapes, e.g. of animals.
TRIPERYtripery n. A place where tripe is prepared or sold.
TRIPERY n. a place that sells or processes tripe.
TRIPODYtripody n. (Poetry) Three metrical feet taken together, or included in one measure.
TRIPODY n. (Greek) a verse of three metrical feet.
TRYPSINtrypsin n. (Biochemistry) A digestive enzyme that cleaves peptide bonds (a serine protease).
TRYPSIN n. an enzyme secreted by the pancreas.
TRYPTICtryptic adj. Of, pertaining to or produced by trypsin.
TRYPTIC adj. relating to trypsin, an enzyme secreted by the pancreas.
TURNIPYturnipy adj. Alternative form of turnippy.
TURNIPY adj. like a turnip.
YPERITEyperite n. Synonym of mustard gas.
YPERITE n. mustard gas.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 49 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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