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There are 17 seven-letter words containing I, 2O, P and T

BIOTOPEbiotope n. A geographical area that has a uniform biological environment and a uniform distribution of plants and animals.
biotope n. (Figuratively) a context where someone feels ’naturally’ at home, such as their field of professional…
BIOTOPE n. an area having uniform conditions and supporting a particular, uniform association of animal life.
COPILOTcopilot n. A backup or assistant pilot of an aircraft.
copilot v. To serve as relief or assistant pilot.
co-pilot n. Britain standard spelling of copilot.
ISOTOPEisotope n. (Physics) Any of two or more forms of an element where the atoms have the same number of protons, but…
isotope v. (Topology, transitive) To define or demonstrate an isotopy of (one map with another).
ISOTOPE n. one of two more atoms with the same atomic number that contain different numbers of neutrons.
ISOTOPYisotopy n. (Mathematics) A form of homotopy that is always an embedding.
isotopy n. (Linguistics) The repetition of a basic meaning trait (seme) within a story.
ISOTOPY n. the state of being an isotope.
OPTIONSoptions n. Plural of option.
options v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of option.
OPTION v. to grant the act of choosing.
PHOTINOphotino n. (Physics) The superpartner of the photon.
PHOTINO n. a hypothetical elementary particle.
POLOISTpoloist n. A polo player.
POLOIST n. a polo player.
POOTINGpooting v. Present participle of poot.
POOT v. (Scots) to shoot at young partridges or grouse.
PORTICOportico n. A porch, or a small space with a roof supported by columns, serving as the entrance to a building.
Portico prop.n. The Stoic philosophy (after the public porch on the agora of Athens where Zeno taught).
PORTICO n. (Italian) a formal entrance to a classical temple, church, or other building.
PORTIONportion n. An allocated amount.
portion n. That which is divided off or separated, as a part from a whole; a separated part of anything.
portion n. One’s fate; lot.
POSITONpositon n. (Physics) A positron, especially when compared with a negaton.
POSITON n. an electron but with a positive charge, also POSITRON.
POTBOILpotboil v. To produce inferior creative works in order to make money.
POTBOIL v. to produce an artistic work of poor quality.
POTIONSpotions n. Plural of potion.
POTION n. a magical elixir or medicinal drink.
PROOTICprootic adj. (Anatomy) In front of the auditory capsule.
prootic n. (Anatomy) A bone, or centre of ossification, in the periotic capsule.
PROOTIC n. a bone in front of the ear.
TOMPIONtompion n. Alternative spelling of tampion.
TOMPION n. (French) a protective plug placed in mouth of gun or cannon, also TAMPION.
TOOLTIPtooltip n. (Graphical user interface) An element of a graphical user interface in the form of a box of text that…
TOOLTIP n. a box on a computer screen containing supplementary information that appears when a particular feature is used.
TOPSOILtopsoil n. The most fertile soil, easiest to start new plants in.
topsoil v. (Transitive) To remove the topsoil from.
TOPSOIL v. to remove the surface layer of soil from.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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