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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 20 seven-letter words containing I, 2O, P and R

BIOPHORbiophor n. (Obsolete, genetics) A supposed supramolecular unit of heredity.
BIOPHOR n. a hypothetical unit of living matter, also BIOPHORE.
GOOPIERgoopier adj. Comparative form of goopy: more goopy.
GOOPY adj. sticky or gooey.
LOOPIERloopier adj. Comparative form of loopy: more loopy.
LOOPY adj. full of loops.
OPORICEoporice n. (Obsolete) A medicine prepared from quinces, pomegranates, etc.
OPORICE n. (Greek) an old medicine made from summer fruits.
PARODOIparodoi n. Plural of parodos.
PARODOS n. (Greek) an ode sung in ancient Greek drama.
POCHOIRpochoir n. A technique in visual art consisting of applying various stencils (perforated templates).
POCHOIR n. (French) a manual colour stencilling onto a printed illustration.
POOPIERpoopier adj. Comparative form of poopy: more poopy.
POOPY adj. stupid or ineffectual.
POORISHpoorish adj. Reasonably poor, quite poor.
POORISH adj. somewhat poor.
PORCINOporcino n. Alternative form of porcini (“type of mushroom”).
PORCINO n. (Italian) an edible mushroom.
POROSISporosis n. The formation of callus; the knitting together of broken bones.
POROSIS n. (Greek) formation of callus.
PORRIGOporrigo n. (Medicine, obsolete) Any of various skin diseases.
PORRIGO n. (Latin) a kind of scalp disease.
PORTICOportico n. A porch, or a small space with a roof supported by columns, serving as the entrance to a building.
Portico prop.n. The Stoic philosophy (after the public porch on the agora of Athens where Zeno taught).
PORTICO n. (Italian) a formal entrance to a classical temple, church, or other building.
PORTIONportion n. An allocated amount.
portion n. That which is divided off or separated, as a part from a whole; a separated part of anything.
portion n. One’s fate; lot.
PRONAOIpronaoi n. Plural of pronaos.
PRONAOS n. (Greek) a vestibule in front of a temple.
PROOTICprootic adj. (Anatomy) In front of the auditory capsule.
prootic n. (Anatomy) A bone, or centre of ossification, in the periotic capsule.
PROOTIC n. a bone in front of the ear.
PROVISOproviso n. A conditional provision to an agreement.
PROVISO n. (Latin) a clause in a document containing a condition.
PROXIMOproximo adv. Of next month.
proximo- pref. ISV combining form denoting proximal location or vector.
PROXIMO adj. (Latin) of or occurring in the following month.
ROOPIERROOPY adj. (Scots) hoarse.
ROOPINGrooping v. Present participle of roop.
ROOP v. (Scots) to make a hoarse sound.
SPOROIDsporoid adj. Resembling a spore.
SPOROID adj. resembling a spore.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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