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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 16 seven-letter words containing I, N, 2R and T

INERTERINERT adj. passive.
PRINTERprinter n. One who makes prints.
printer n. The operator of a printing press or the owner of a printing business; (metonymically) any printing business.
printer n. (Now chiefly computer hardware) A device, usually attached to a computer, used to print text or images…
REINTERreinter v. (Transitive) To bury again, in the same or another grave.
REINTER v. to inter again.
RENTIERrentier n. An individual who receives an income, usually interest, rent, dividends, capital gains, or profits from…
RENTIER n. (French) a person who has, or who lives on, an income from rents or investments.
REPRINTreprint n. A book, pamphlet or other printed matter that has been published once before but is now being released again.
reprint v. (Transitive) To print (something) that has been published in print before.
reprint v. (Transitive) To renew the impression of.
RETRAINretrain v. (Transitive, intransitive) To train again; especially, to train or study in a new subject or job.
retrain n. An instance of training again.
RETRAIN v. to train again.
RORTINGrorting v. Present participle of rort.
RORTING n. the falsification of accounts.
RUNTIERruntier adj. Comparative form of runty: more runty.
RUNTY adj. like a runt.
TARRINGtarring v. Present participle of tar.
tarring n. An application of tar.
TARRING n. the act of tarring.
TERRAINterrain n. (Geology) A single, distinctive rock formation; an area having a preponderance of a particular rock or group of rocks.
terrain n. An area of land or the particular features of it.
terrain n. (Chiefly aviation) The surface of the earth; the ground.
TERRINEterrine n. A deep type of dish or pan, typically used for casseroles and made out of pottery.
terrine n. A pâté baked in such a dish and served cold.
TERRINE n. (French) an earthenware jar or dish; a pate of meat or fish cooked in this.
TIRRINGTIRR v. (Scots) to strip.
TRAINERtrainer n. A person who trains another; a coach.
trainer n. (Sports) A person responsible for treating injuries sustained by players during matches; a physiotherapist.
trainer n. (Britain) A running shoe or sneaker.
TRICORNtricorn n. A three-sided hat with the brim turned up.
tricorn n. (Mathematics) A three-horned fractal.
tricorn adj. Having three horns or similar projections.
TRIDARNtridarn n. A kind of cupboard with three sections.
TRIDARN n. (Welsh) a Welsh dresser having three tiers.
TRINARYtrinary adj. Alternative form of ternary.
trinary n. (Astronomy) a trinary star.
TRINARY adj. consisting of three parts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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