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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing I, N, O, S and X

ANOXIASanoxias n. Plural of anoxia.
ANOXIA n. deficient supply of oxygen to the tissues.
ANXIOUSanxious adj. Nervous and worried.
anxious adj. Having a feeling of anxiety or disquietude; extremely concerned, especially about something that will…
anxious adj. (Of things) Accompanied with, or causing, anxiety; worrying.
BONXIESbonxies n. Plural of bonxie.
BONXIE n. the great skua.
BOXINGSboxings n. Plural of boxing.
BOXING n. the sport of fighting with fists.
DIAXONSdiaxons n. Plural of diaxon.
DIAXON n. a bipolar nerve-cell.
DIOXANSDIOXAN n. a toxic flammable solvent, also DIOXANE.
DIOXINSdioxins n. Plural of dioxin.
DIOXIN n. an extremely toxic poison found in certain weedkillers.
FOXINGSfoxings n. Plural of foxing.
FOXING n. the act of a person who foxes.
FOXSKINfoxskin n. The pelt of a fox.
FOXSKIN n. the skin of a fox.
INBOXESinboxes n. Plural of inbox, an alternative form of in-box.
in-boxes n. Plural of in-box.
INBOX n. (on a computer) a folder in a mailbox in which incoming messages are stored and displayed.
NOXIOUSnoxious adj. Harmful; injurious.
NOXIOUS adj. harmful to health.
OREXINSorexins n. Plural of orexin.
OREXIN n. a hormone that stimulates the appetite and is thought to be important for sleep regulation.
TOXINEStoxines n. Plural of toxine.
TOXINE n. a poisonous product formed by pathogenic bacteria, as a toxic proteid or poisonous ptomaine, also TOXIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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