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There are 18 seven-letter words containing I, L, R, U and Y

BRULYIEbrulyie n. Alternative form of brulzie.
BRULYIE n. (Scots) a broil, a noisy disturbance, also BRUILZIE, BRULZIE.
BUIRDLYbuirdly adj. (Scotland) Sturdy, well-built; solid, stocky.
BUIRDLY adj. (Scots) stalwart; large and well made.
BURLILYburlily adv. In a burly manner.
BURLY adv. heavy and muscular.
CRUSILYcrusily adj. (Heraldry) Semé (strewn) with cross crosslets.
CRUSILY adj. of a shield or charge, strewn with crosslets rather than crosses.
CURLILYcurlily adv. In a curly manner.
CURLY adv. tending to curl.
FURRILYfurrily adv. In a furry manner.
FURRY adv. covered in fur.
GUILDRYguildry n. (Scotland) A guild or its members.
GUILDRY n. (Scots) membership of a guild.
LITURGYliturgy n. A predetermined or prescribed set of rituals that are performed, usually by a religion.
liturgy n. An official worship service of the Christian church.
liturgy n. (Historical) In Ancient Greece, a form of personal service to the state.
LURIDLYluridly adv. In a lurid manner, in a way that contains gauche details or is intended to shock or horrify.
LURID adv. shining with a red glow or glare amid darkness.
MURKILYmurkily adv. In a murky way.
MURKY adv. dark, also MIRKY.
PURSILYpursily adv. In a pursy manner…
PURSY adv. short of breath.
ROUPILYroupily adv. In a manner as if affected with roup. In a hoarse or husky manner.
ROUPY adv. hoarse, also ROOPIT, ROUPET, ROUPIT.
RUDDILYruddily adv. In a ruddy way; with red colour.
RUDDY adv. reddish.
RUMMILYrummily adv. (UK, colloquial, dated) In a rum fashion; oddly, strangely.
RUMMY adv. queer.
RUSTILYrustily adv. In a rusty manner.
RUSTY adv. covered with rust.
RUTTILYruttily adv. In a rutty manner; with ruts.
RUTTY adv. marked by ruts.
SURLILYsurlily adv. In a surly manner.
SURLY adv. sullenly rude.
TILBURYtilbury n. (Historical) A small open two-wheeled carriage.
tilbury n. (Slang, obsolete) Sixpence (formerly the fare from Gravesend to Tilbury Fort).
Tilbury prop.n. A town and port in Thurrock, Essex, England (OS grid ref TQ639761).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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