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There are 19 seven-letter words containing I, L, O and 2T

ALTOISTaltoist n. A person playing alto saxophone or some other alto instrument.
ALTOIST n. one who plays the alto saxophone.
COLETITcoletit n. Alternative form of coaltit.
COLETIT n. a bird of the tit family.
DOTTILYdottily adv. In a dotty manner.
DOTTY adv. feebleminded, harmlessly eccentric.
GLOTTICglottic adj. (Anatomy, relational) Of or pertaining to the glottis or the tongue.
GLOTTIC adj. of or pertaining to, or produced by, the glottis, also GLOTTAL.
GLOTTISglottis n. (Anatomy) The opening between the true vocal cords which is located in the larynx and affects voice…
GLOTTIS n. (Greek) the opening between the vocal chords.
LITOTESlitotes n. (Rhetoric) An ironic figure of speech whereby something is stated by denying its opposite, particularly…
LITOTES n. (Latin) the expression of an affirmative by the negative of the contrary, e.g. not a little angry.
LITOTIClitotic adj. Of or relating to litotes.
LITOTIC adj. of or like litotes, expressing an affirmative by the negative of the contrary.
LOTTINGlotting v. Present participle of lot.
LOT v. to separate into batches.
OTOLITHotolith n. (Zoology) A small particle, comprised mainly of calcium carbonate, found in the inner ear of vertebrates…
OTOLITH n. a calcium concretion in the inside of a vertebrate's ear to aid in equilibrium.
PLOTTIEPLOTTIE n. a spiced hot drink, such as mulled wine, also PLOTTY.
SPOTLITspotlit v. Simple past tense and past participle of spotlight.
SPOTLIGHT v. to highlight.
TALIPOTtalipot n. A tall palm tree, Corypha umbraculifera, from Sri Lanka and southern India, having very large leaves…
TALIPOT n. (Sinhalese) a very tall southern Indian fan palm with enormous leaves which are used as sunshades etc., also TALIPAT.
TOILETStoilets n. Plural of toilet.
toilets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of toilet.
TOILET v. to dress and groom oneself.
TOOLKITtoolkit n. A set of tools kept together, especially comprising all the tools suitable for some particular type of work.
toolkit n. (By extension) A set of personal abilities, skills, or resources to draw on.
toolkit n. (Computing) A set of software tools or components.
TOOLTIPtooltip n. (Graphical user interface) An element of a graphical user interface in the form of a box of text that…
TOOLTIP n. a box on a computer screen containing supplementary information that appears when a particular feature is used.
TORTILEtortile adj. (Rare) Twisted, winding, contorted.
TORTILE adj. twisted.
TRIGLOTtriglot n. A trilingual person.
triglot adj. Containing, knowing, or relating to three languages; synonym of trilingual.
TRIGLOT n. a book written in three languages.
TRIOLETtriolet n. (Poetry) An eight-line poem whose rhyme scheme is ABaAabAB and whose lines are in iambic tetrameter.
TRIOLET n. a short poem of fixed form.
WITTOLSwittols n. Plural of wittol.
WITTOL n. (archaic) a husband who accepts his wife's infidelity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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