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There are 16 seven-letter words containing I, L, N, O and V

GLOVINGgloving v. Present participle of glove.
GLOVING n. the craft of making gloves.
INVOLVEinvolve v. (Transitive) To comprise or include; to have as a related part.
involve v. (Transitive) To cause or engage (someone or something) to participate or to become connected or implicated.
involve v. To envelop, enfold, entangle.
LOAVINGloaving v. Present participle of loave.
LOAVE v. to form a head as in a cabbage.
LOVINGSlovings n. Plural of loving.
LOVING n. the act of loving.
NOVALIAnovalia n. (Scotland, law) waste lands newly reclaimed.
NOVALIA n. in Scots law, waste lands newly reclaimed.
OLIVINEolivine n. (Mineralogy, geology) Any of a group of olive green magnesium-iron silicate minerals that crystallize…
OLIVINE n. a mineral, iron and magnesium silicate, used as a refractory and in cements.
SOLVINGsolving v. Present participle of solve.
SOLVE v. to find the answer to.
VALONIAvalonia n. The European evergreen oak, Quercus macrolepis, now Quercus ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis, or Quercus aegilops.
valonia n. The dried acorn cups of this tree, which are used to make a black dye, used in tanning.
VALONIA n. (Italian) a tanning material, made from the acorns of a Levantine oak, also VALLONIA, VALONEA.
VIOLENTviolent adj. Involving extreme force or motion.
violent adj. Involving physical conflict.
violent adj. Likely to use physical force.
VIOLINSviolins n. Plural of violin.
violins n. (Music) the violin section of an orchestra.
VIOLIN n. the smallest of the modern stringed instrument.
VIOLONEviolone n. An early stringed instrument similar to a double bass.
VIOLONE n. (Italian) a double-bass viol.
VOLPINOVolpino n. Short for Volpino Italiano (“an Italian breed of dog”).
VOLPINO n. (Italian) a small Italian dog with long straight hair.
VOLTINGVOLT v. to make a sudden leap.
VOLUTINvolutin n. A granular nucleoprotein complex found in the cytoplasm of some bacteria, yeasts and protozoa.
VOLUTIN n. a substance found in granular form in the cytoplasm of various cells.
VOLVINGvolving v. Present participle of volve.
VOLVE v. (obsolete) to turn over and over; to ponder.
WOLVINGwolving v. Present participle of wolve.
WOLVING n. the hunting for wolf pelts, also WOLFING.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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