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There are 20 seven-letter words containing I, L, 2N and O

ANTLIONantlion n. Any of various species of insects, many of them nocturnal, in the family Myrmeleontidae. The adults…
ant␣lion n. Alternative form of antlion.
ANTLION n. an insect that digs a pit to catch ants.
BONNILYbonnily adv. (Scotland) attractively; in a pleasant or pretty manner.
BONNY adv. pretty or healthy, also BONNIE.
CANNOLIcannoli n. (Chiefly in the plural) A tube of fried pastry, typical of Sicily, filled with ricotta or similar cream…
CANNOLI n. (Italian) a tube of pasta filled with cheese.
CLONINGcloning v. Present participle of clone.
cloning n. The production of an exact copy of an object.
cloning n. (Biology) The production of a cloned embryo by transplanting the nucleus of a somatic cell into an ovum.
GLONOINglonoin n. (Medicine, archaic) nitroglycerine when used medicinally.
GLONOIN n. a name for nitroglycerine, as used in medicine.
LANOLINlanolin n. A greasy yellow substance chemically akin to wax that is secreted from wooly animals, with a variety…
lanolin v. (Transitive) To treat with lanolin.
LANOLIN n. a fatty substance obtained from wool, also LANOLINE.
LEONINEleonine adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a lion.
leonine n. (Numismatics, historical) A 13th-century coin minted in Europe and used in England as a debased form…
leonine n. (Poetry) A kind of Latin verse, generally alternate hexameter and pentameter, rhyming at the middle and end.
LINURONlinuron n. The herbicide N’-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-N-methoxy-N-methyl-urea.
LINURON n. a herbicide.
LOANINGloaning v. Present participle of loan.
loaning n. The granting of a loan.
loaning n. (Obsolete, Scottish and Northern English) A lane.
LONGINGlonging v. Present participle of long.
longing n. An earnest and deep, not greatly passionate, but rather melancholic desire.
longing n. The buying of a financial instrument with the expectation that its value will rise.
LOONINGlooning n. The cry of a loon (the bird).
LOONING n. the cry of the loon, a northern diving bird.
LOUNINGlouning v. Present participle of loun.
LOUN v. (Scots) to calm, also LOUND, LOWN, LOWND, LOWNE.
NITINOLnitinol n. Alternative form of Nitinol.
Nitinol n. An alloy of nickel and titanium that has the ability to return to a predetermined shape when heated.
NITINOL n. an alloy of nickel and titanium.
NOMINALnominal adj. Of, resembling, relating to, or consisting of a name or names.
nominal adj. Assigned to or bearing a person’s name.
nominal adj. Existing in name only.
NONLIFEnonlife n. (Biology, uncountable) All objects or substances except those considered alive.
nonlife n. (Countable) A life so devoid of meaning or activity that it is barely worth living.
nonlife adj. (Insurance) Relating to types of insurance which are not life insurance.
NONOILYnonoily adj. Not oily.
NONOILY adj. not oily.
NONSLIPnonslip adj. Having a surface designed to prevent or reduce slipping; not able to slip or be slipped upon.
non-slip adj. Alternative form of nonslip.
NONSLIP adj. designed to prevent slipping.
ONLINERonliner n. A person who is online; a user of the Internet or similar service.
ONLINER n. a user of the internet.
SOLANINsolanin n. Alternative form of solanine.
SOLANIN n. a poisonous alkaloid glucoside extracted from the berries of common nightshade, also SOLANINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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