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There are 17 seven-letter words containing I, L, M, O and Y

ALIMONYalimony n. (Law) A court-mandated allowance made to a former spouse by a divorced or legally separated person.
alimony n. The means to support life.
ALIMONY n. an allowance paid to a partner after divorce.
AMYLOIDamyloid n. A waxy compound of protein and polysaccharides that is found deposited in tissues in amyloidosis.
amyloid n. Any of various starchlike substances.
amyloid adj. Containing or resembling starch.
COMFILYcomfily adv. (Informal) comfortably.
COMFY adv. (colloquial) comfortable.
DOOMILYdoomily adv. In a doomy manner.
DOOMILY adv. ominously.
FOAMILYfoamily adv. In a foamy manner.
FOAMY adv. covered with foam.
ISOAMYLisoamyl n. (Chemistry) the organic radical derived from isoamyl alcohol; 3-methyl butyl.
ISOAMYL n. isoamyl acetate, an organic solvent and flavouring.
MOISTLYmoistly adv. In a moist manner.
MOIST adv. slightly wet.
MOLLIFYmollify v. To ease a burden, particularly worry; make less painful; to comfort.
mollify v. To appease (anger), pacify, gain the good will of.
mollify v. To soften; to make tender.
MOODILYmoodily adv. In a moody manner.
MOODY adv. given to changing attitudes.
MOONILYmoonily adv. In a moony manner.
MOONY adv. resembling the moon, dreamy.
MOUSILYmousily adv. In a mousy manner.
MOUSY adv. like a mouse; timid; grey, also MOUSEY.
MOYLINGmoyling v. Present participle of moyle.
MOYLE v. to moil, toil.
MYELOIDmyeloid adj. (Hematology) Of or pertaining to bone marrow.
myeloid adj. (Less commonly used) Of or pertaining to the spinal cord.
myeloid n. Such a stem cell.
ODYLISModylism n. Belief in the vital force called odyl or od.
ODYLISM n. belief in the power of od, also ODISM.
ROOMILYroomily adv. In a roomy manner; spaciously.
ROOMY adv. spacious.
SMOKILYsmokily adv. In a smoky manner.
SMOKY adv. full of smoke, also SMOKEY.
SOYMILKsoymilk n. Alternative spelling of soy milk.
soy␣milk n. (Uncountable) A milky liquid made from soy beans and used as a beverage, cooking ingredient or substitute…
soy␣milk n. (Countable, informal) An individual serving of such a beverage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 44 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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