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There are 20 seven-letter words containing I, 2L, O and R

BRILLOSBRILLO n. (tradename) a type of scouring pad.
COLLIERcollier n. A person in the business or occupation of producing (digging or mining) coal or making charcoal or in…
collier n. (Nautical) A vessel carrying a bulk cargo of coal.
collier n. (Nautical) A sailor on such a vessel.
CRIOLLOcriollo n. Alternative form of Criollo.
Criollo prop.n. A surname.
Criollo n. (Historical) A member of a social class, in the 16th-century Spanish colonies, who were born in the…
DOLLIERdollier n. One who dollies.
DOLLIER n. one who wheels a trolley.
GIROLLEgirolle n. Chanterelle (mushroom).
GIROLLE n. an edible mushroom, aka chanterelle.
GORILLAgorilla n. The largest of the apes, belonging to the genus Gorilla, native to the forests of central Africa and…
gorilla n. A big and brutish man or a thug; a goon or ruffian.
gorilla n. (Informal) A powerful person or organization; a heavyweight or behemoth.
JOLLIERjollier adj. Comparative form of jolly: more jolly.
JOLLIER n. one who puts others in a good humor.
LITORALlitoral adj. Alternative spelling of littoral.
litoral n. Alternative spelling of littoral.
LITORAL adj. pertaining to or on the seashore, also LITTORAL.
LOWLIERlowlier adj. Comparative form of lowly: more lowly.
LOWLY adj. in a low position or rank.
MOORILLmoorill n. (Obsolete) A disease of cattle, with hemoglobinuria.
MOORILL n. (Scots) a cattle disease of moorland districts, marked by haemoglobin in the urine.
PILLORYpillory n. A framework on a post, with holes for the hands and head, used as a means of punishment and humiliation.
pillory v. (Transitive) To put in a pillory.
pillory v. (Transitive) To subject to humiliation, scorn, ridicule or abuse.
RIGOLLSrigolls n. Plural of rigoll.
RIGOLL n. a gutter or water-channel, also RIGOL.
ROLLICKrollick v. To behave in a playful or carefree manner; to frolic or romp.
rollick v. (Euphemism for bollock; also spelled rollock) To reprimand.
ROLLICK v. to behave in a carefree, playful, boisterous way.
ROLLIESrollies n. Plural of rollie.
rollies n. Plural of rolly.
ROLLIE n. a hand-rolled cigarette.
ROLLINGrolling adj. (Colloquial) Drunk; intoxicated from alcohol, staggering.
rolling adj. Staggered in time and space.
rolling adj. Moving by turning over and over about an axis.
ROUILLErouille n. (Cooking) A type of sauce from Provence, France, often served with fish dishes, consisting of olive…
ROUILLE n. (French) a peppery garlic sauce.
RULLIONrullion n. A shoe made of untanned leather.
rullion n. A coarse woman.
rullion n. (Scotland) An animal in poor condition.
ZORILLAzorilla n. Alternative spelling of zorille.
ZORILLA n. (Spanish) a small African mammal, also ZORIL, ZORILLE, ZORILLO.
ZORILLEzorille n. Ictonyx striatus, a small, carnivorous, nocturnal African mammal resembling a skunk.
ZORILLE n. (Spanish) a small African mammal, also ZORIL, ZORILLA, ZORILLO.
ZORILLOzorillo n. (Obsolete, rare) striped skunk.
ZORILLO n. (Spanish) a small African mammal, also ZORIL, ZORILLA, ZORILLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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