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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing I, 2L, N and T

ANTHILLanthill n. A cone-shaped structure built from sediment and other available materials by ants or termites, and beneath…
ant-hill n. A mound-shaped nest built or inhabited by ants or termites.
ant␣hill n. Alternative form of anthill.
GILLNETgillnet n. (Fishing) A vertical net, often resting on the sea floor, which entangles fish in the netting, frequently…
gillnet v. To fish using a gillnet.
GILLNET v. to catch fish in a gillnet.
INSTALLinstall v. (Transitive) To connect, set up or prepare something for use, often specifically (in Computing) to transfer…
install v. (Transitive) To admit formally into an office, rank or position.
install v. (Transitive) To establish or settle in.
INSTILLinstill v. To cause a quality to become part of someone’s nature.
instill v. To pour in (medicine, for example) drop by drop.
INSTILL v. to infuse slowly, also INSTIL.
LANITALLANITAL n. a woollike fibre.
LENTILSlentils n. Plural of lentil.
LENTIL n. a leguminous annual plant common near the Mediterranean; its small, flattish, round seed, orange or brown, used for food.
LILTINGlilting adj. Having a lilt; with energy, spirit and sprightliness; lively and cheerful.
lilting n. A type of lively singing without any musical accompaniment, where the tune itself is sung, often to…
lilting v. Present participle of lilt.
LINTELSlintels n. Plural of lintel.
LINTEL n. a horizontal supporting beam, also LINTOL.
LINTOLSlintols n. Plural of lintol.
LINTOL n. a horizontal supporting beam, also LINTEL.
NULLITYnullity n. The state of being null, or void, or invalid.
nullity n. (Law) A void act; a defective proceeding or one expressly declared by statute to be a nullity.
nullity n. (Mathematics) The difference between the rank of a matrix and the number of columns it has; the dimension…
TELLINGtelling v. Present participle of tell.
telling adj. Having force, or having a marked effect; weighty, effective.
telling adj. Revealing information; bearing significance.
TELLINStellins n. Plural of tellin.
TELLIN n. a kind of bivalve mollusc, also TELLEN.
TILLINGtilling v. Present participle of till.
tilling n. The act of one who tills.
Tilling prop.n. A surname.
TOLLINGtolling v. Present participle of toll.
tolling n. The act by which a bell is tolled.
TOLLING n. the action of tolling e.g. a bell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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