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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing I, K, L, O and R

AIRLOCKairlock n. A sealed, airtight chamber, such as in a manned spacecraft or submarine, used to provide access to and…
airlock n. (Architecture, informal) A vestibule, foyer or entranceway with doors to the exterior on one end and…
airlock n. Alternative form of air lock.
BLOKIERblokier adj. Comparative form of blokey: more blokey.
BLOKEY adj. like one of the blokes, also BLOKISH, BLOKEISH.
FOLKIERfolkier adj. Comparative form of folkie: more folkie.
FOLKY adj. down to earth.
KILOBARkilobar n. (Physics) A unit of pressure equal to 1,000 bars (Symbol: kb).
KILOBAR n. a unit of atmospheric pressure.
KILORADkilorad n. A unit of absorbed radiation dose, equivalent to 1000 rads.
KILORAD n. a unit of nuclear radiation.
LINKROTlinkrot n. (Internet) The steady increase in number of broken hyperlinks as webpages are moved or removed.
link␣rot n. Alternative form of linkrot.
LINKROT n. the condition of a website link not being updated, with the result that the host website is no longer hyperlinked to the desired website.
LORDKINlordkin n. A little lord.
LORDKIN n. a little lord, also LORDING, LORDLING.
OARLIKEoarlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of an oar.
OARLIKE adj. like an oar.
ORBLIKEorblike adj. Resembling an orb.
ORBLIKE adj. like an orb.
ROCKILYrockily adv. In an uneven way; in a rocking manner.
rockily adv. In a manner suggestive of a rock or rocks.
rockily adv. Unsteadily; inconsistently or resulting in volatility.
RODLIKErodlike adj. Resembling a rod, usually in shape.
RODLIKE adj. like a rod.
ROLLICKrollick v. To behave in a playful or carefree manner; to frolic or romp.
rollick v. (Euphemism for bollock; also spelled rollock) To reprimand.
ROLLICK v. to behave in a carefree, playful, boisterous way.
YOLKIERyolkier adj. Comparative form of yolky: more yolky.
YOLKY adj. like yolk.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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