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There are 19 seven-letter words containing 2I, R and 2S

CISSIERCISSY adj. timid, also SISSY.
HISSIERhissier adj. Comparative form of hissy: more hissy.
HISSY adj. temperamental.
KISSIERkissier adj. Comparative form of kissy: more kissy.
KISSY adj. inclined to kiss.
MERISISmerisis n. (Biology) Any form of growth; specifically, growth by increase in number of cells.
MERISIS n. (Greek) growth by cell division.
MISSIERMISSY adj. like a miss.
PISSIERpissier adj. Comparative form of pissy: more pissy.
PISSY adj. soiled with urine; inferior, nasty.
PISSOIRpissoir n. A public urinal typically found in European, especially French, streets.
PISSOIR n. (French) a public urinal.
RAISINSraisins n. Plural of raisin.
RAISIN n. (French) a dried grape.
REISHISREISHI n. (Japanese) a mushroom having a shiny cap.
RISINGSrisings n. Plural of rising.
Risings prop.n. Plural of Rising.
RISING n. the act of one that rises.
SIRINGSsirings n. Plural of siring.
SIRING n. the act of begetting.
SISSIERsissier adj. Comparative form of sissy: more sissy.
SISSY adj. effeminate, also CISSY.
SMRITISsmritis n. Plural of smriti.
Smritis n. Plural of Smriti.
smṛitis n. Plural of smṛiti.
SPIRICSspirics n. Plural of spiric.
SPIRIC n. a curve, the plane section of a tore.
SPIRITSspirits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spirit.
spirits n. Plural of spirit.
spirits n. Distilled alcoholic beverages.
SURIMISSURIMI n. (Japanese) synthetic Japanese crabmeat.
TRIPSIStripsis n. (Medicine, archaic) trituration.
tripsis n. (Medicine, archaic) shampoo (a kind of body massage).
TRIPSIS n. (Greek) pulverization.
VIROSISvirosis n. (Pathology) Any disease caused by a virus.
VIROSIS n. infection with a virus.
VISIERSvisiers n. Plural of visier.
VISIER n. (Arabic) a minister in various Muslim states, also PHEAZAR, VEZIR, VIZIER, VIZIR, WAZIR, WIZIER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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