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There are 19 seven-letter words containing 2I, O, S and V

BIVIOUSbivious adj. (Rare) Having, or leading, two ways.
BIVIOUS adj. (obsolete) offering a choice; splitting between two directions.
DIVISORdivisor n. (Arithmetic) A number or expression that another is to be divided by.
divisor n. An integer that divides another integer an integral number of times.
DIVISOR n. the number by which a dividend is divided.
INVIOUSinvious adj. (Obsolete, poetic) untrodden.
invious adj. (Obsolete, poetic) impassable.
INVIOUS adj. impassable.
ISOGRIVisogriv n. A line on a map or chart which joins points of equal grivation, that is, equal angle between grid north…
ISOGRIV n. a map line indicating equal grid variation.
IVORIESivories n. Plural of ivory.
ivories n. The keys of a piano.
ivories n. The teeth.
IVORISTivorist n. A carver of ivory.
IVORIST n. a worker in ivory.
VIBRIOSvibrios n. Plural of vibrio.
VIBRIO n. a bacterium with a slight spiral curve, also VIBRION.
VICIOUSvicious adj. Violent, destructive and cruel.
vicious adj. Savage and aggressive.
vicious adj. (Archaic) Pertaining to vice; characterised by immorality or depravity.
VIDIOTSvidiots n. Plural of vidiot.
VIDIOT n. a habitual undiscriminating viewer of television.
VIOLINSviolins n. Plural of violin.
violins n. (Music) the violin section of an orchestra.
VIOLIN n. the smallest of the modern stringed instrument.
VIOLISTviolist n. A person who plays the viol.
violist n. A person who plays the viola.
VIOLIST n. one who plays the viola.
VIRINOSvirinos n. Plural of virino.
VIRINO n. a hypothetical particle said to be the cause of BSE.
VIRIONSvirions n. Plural of virion.
VIRION n. a virus particle in its mature, infectious state.
VIROIDSviroids n. Plural of viroid.
viroids prop.n. A taxonomic name, sometimes considered an order, of a group of subviral agents that can be pathogenic…
VIROID n. a viruslike plant pathogen.
VIROSISvirosis n. (Pathology) Any disease caused by a virus.
VIROSIS n. infection with a virus.
VISCOIDVISCOID adj. somewhat viscid, also VISCOIDAL.
VISIONSvisions n. Plural of vision.
visions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vision.
VISION v. to see, perceive.
VISITORvisitor n. Someone who visits someone else; someone staying as a guest.
visitor n. Someone who pays a visit to a specific place or event; a sightseer or tourist.
visitor n. (Sports, usually in the plural) Someone, or a team, that is playing away from home.
VITIOUSvitious adj. Obsolete form of vicious.
VITIOUS adj. vicious in the specific legal sense of impaired, nullified by a flaw.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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