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There are 20 seven-letter words containing 2I, O, R and T

CORTILIcortili n. Plural of cortile.
CORTILE n. (Italian) an enclosed, usually roofless courtyard.
DINITROdinitro n. (Organic chemistry) Two nitro groups in a chemical compound.
dinitro- pref. (Chemistry) containing two nitro groups (-NO2).
DINITRO adj. having two nitro groups.
DIORITEdiorite n. (Petrology) A grey intrusive igneous rock composed mostly of plagioclase feldspar, biotite, hornblende…
DIORITE n. a crystalline granular igneous rock composed of plagioclase and hornblende.
HISTRIOHISTRIO n. (archaic) an actor, also HISTRION.
IGNITORignitor n. Alternative spelling of igniter.
IGNITOR n. someone who or something that ignites, e.g. an apparatus for firing an explosive or explosive mixture, also IGNITER.
INTROITintroit n. (Roman Catholicism, music) A prayer, typically part of a psalm or other portion of the Bible, read or…
introit n. (Christianity, chiefly Protestantism, music) A composition of vocal music sung at the opening of a church service.
introit n. (Christianity, chiefly Protestantism, music) An anthem or psalm sung before a Communion service.
IRONISTironist n. Someone who uses irony in humor.
ironist n. (Philosophy) A supporter of ironism.
IRONIST n. one who uses irony.
IVORISTivorist n. A carver of ivory.
IVORIST n. a worker in ivory.
NORITICnoritic adj. (Geology) Relating to, or composed of norite.
NORITIC adj. of or like norite, a gabbro with rhombic pyroxine.
RIOTINGrioting v. Present participle of riot.
rioting n. A riot.
RIOTING n. the act of rioting.
RIOTISEriotise n. (Archaic) Wild excess; revelry, riotousness.
RIOTISE n. (obsolete) riot, extravagance, also RIOTIZE.
RIOTIZERIOTIZE n. (obsolete) riot, extravagance, also RIOTISE.
ROTINISROTINI n. (Italian) a kind of pasta in small spirals.
SORITICsoritic adj. Synonym of soritical.
SORITIC adj. relating to sorites, a string of statements where the end of one is the subject of the next, also SORITICAL.
TIGROIDtigroid adj. (Pathology) In a pattern resembling tiger stripes.
TIGROID adj. like a tiger.
TIRONICTIRONIC adj. resembling a tiro, also TYRONIC.
TRIOXIDtrioxid n. Archaic form of trioxide.
TRIOXID n. an oxide containing three atoms of oxygen; as, sulphur trioxide, also TRIOXIDE.
TRIPOLItripoli n. (Geology) A sedimentary rock composed of the shells of diatoms etc., used for polishing.
Tripoli prop.n. The capital city of Libya.
Tripoli prop.n. A city in Greece. Former name: Tripolis.
VISITORvisitor n. Someone who visits someone else; someone staying as a guest.
visitor n. Someone who pays a visit to a specific place or event; a sightseer or tourist.
visitor n. (Sports, usually in the plural) Someone, or a team, that is playing away from home.
VITRIOLvitriol n. (Dated) any of various metal sulphates.
vitriol n. (Dated) Oil of vitriol (sulphuric acid).
vitriol n. (By extension) Bitterly abusive language.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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