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There are 13 seven-letter words containing 2I and 3N

BINNINGbinning v. Present participle of bin.
binning n. (Statistics) A data pre-processing technique in which original data values fall into a small interval…
binning n. The process of grouping reads or contigs and assigning them to operational taxonomic units. Wp.
DINNINGdinning v. Present participle of din.
dinning n. The sound or action of making a loud noise or commotion.
Dinning prop.n. A surname.
FINNINGfinning n. The act of removing a live shark’s fin, and releasing the shark back into the sea.
finning v. Present participle of fin.
FIN v. to equip with paddle-like structures.
GINNINGginning v. Present participle of gin.
ginning n. The act of removing seeds from cotton with a cotton gin.
GINNING n. cotton as it comes from the cotton-gin.
INNINGSinnings n. (Cricket) One side’s (from when the first player begins to bat, until the last player is out) or individual…
innings n. A comparable period of play in croquet or roque.
innings n. (Britain) The time during which any party is in possession of power, or enjoying good luck, etc.; a turn of any kind.
LINNINGlinning v. Present participle of lin.
LIN v. to cease.
NINEPINninepin n. The wooden pin used in the game of ninepins; a skittle.
NINEPIN n. a wooden pin used in a bowling game.
NINNIESninnies n. Plural of ninny.
NINNY n. a fool.
PINNINGpinning v. Present participle of pin.
pinning n. The action of the verb pin in any sense.
pinning n. A ceremony in which a pin badge is given.
RINNINGrinning v. Present participle of rin.
RIN v. (Scots) to run.
SINNINGsinning v. Present participle of sin.
sinning n. The act of committing a sin.
SIN v. to offend against moral or religious law.
TINNINGtinning v. Present participle of tin.
tinning n. A covering or lining of tin.
TINNING n. the act of covering with tin.
WINNINGwinning v. Present participle of win.
winning adj. That constitutes a win.
winning adj. That leads to success.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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