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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing 2I, L, S and V

CLIVIASclivias n. Plural of clivia.
CLIVIA n. a leek-like South African plant.
LIVIERSLIVIER n. a permanent resident of Newfoundland, also LIVYER, LIVEYERE, LIVEYER.
LIVINGSlivings n. Plural of living.
Livings prop.n. A surname.
LIVING n. a means of subsistence.
MISLIVEmislive v. To lead a wrong or evil life; live wrongly.
MISLIVE v. to live a bad life.
RIVLINSRIVLIN n. (Scots) a shoe moulded from untanned hide.
SILVICSsilvics n. (Forestry) The study of the characteristics of trees, including especially their role in the ecology…
SILVICS n. the study of forest trees.
SLIVINGsliving v. Present participle of slive.
sliving adj. (Neologism) Glamorous and classy.
SLIVE v. to slip.
VIOLINSviolins n. Plural of violin.
violins n. (Music) the violin section of an orchestra.
VIOLIN n. the smallest of the modern stringed instrument.
VIOLISTviolist n. A person who plays the viol.
violist n. A person who plays the viola.
VIOLIST n. one who plays the viola.
VISIBLEvisible adj. Able to be seen.
VISIBLE adj. able to be seen.
VISIBLE n. a visible thing.
VISIBLYvisibly adv. In a visible manner; openly.
VISIBLE adv. able to be seen.
VISILESvisiles n. Plural of visile.
VISILE n. a person who learns by visual image.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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