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There are 13 seven-letter words containing 2I, L, O and P

CIPOLINcipolin n. (Mineralogy) A whitish marble from Rome, containing pale greenish zones. It consists of calcium carbonate…
CIPOLIN n. (Italian) a kind of white marble streaked with green, also CIPOLLINO.
DIPLOICdiploic adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the diploe.
DIPLOIC adj. of or pertaining to the diploe, the soft, spongy, or cancellated substance between the plates of the skull.
DIPLOIDdiploid adj. (Genetics) Of a cell, having a pair of each type of chromosome, one of the pair being derived from the…
diploid adj. (Genetics) Of an organism, having diploid cells.
diploid adj. (Crystallography) Of a certain symmetry class with 24 congruent irregular quadrilateral faces.
LIPOIDSlipoids n. Plural of lipoid.
LIPOID n. any of a class of fatty substances, also LIPID, LIPIDE, LIPIN.
LIRIOPEliriope n. Any of the plants of the genus Liriope used as a groundcover in landscaping and gardening.
LIRIOPE n. a stemless Asian herb.
PAPILIOpapilio n. (Zoology) Any butterfly of the genus Papilio.
Papilio prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Papilionidae.
PAPILIO n. (Latin) a type of butterfly.
PICOLINpicolin n. (Chemistry) Archaic form of picoline.
PICOLIN n. a compound related to pyridine, also PICOLINE.
PIGNOLIpignoli n. (US) pine nuts.
pignoli n. A cookie made with pine nuts, a type of amaretto.
PIGNOLI n. (Italian) the edible seed of nut pines, also PIGNOLIA.
PILLIONpillion n. A pad behind the saddle of a horse for a second rider.
pillion n. (Motorcycling) A similar second saddle on a motorcycle for a passenger.
pillion n. The person riding in the pillion.
PILOTISpilotis n. Plural of piloti.
PILOTIS n. (French) a series of columns or piles, used to raise the base of a building above ground level.
PINITOLpinitol n. (Organic chemistry) A cyclitol with antidiabetic activity, first identified in the sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana).
PINITOL n. an alcohol.
POLITICpolitic adj. (Archaic) Of or relating to polity, or civil government; political.
politic adj. (Archaic, of things) Relating to, or promoting, a policy, especially a national policy; well-devised;…
politic adj. (Archaic) Sagacious in promoting a policy; ingenious in devising and advancing a system of management;…
TRIPOLItripoli n. (Geology) A sedimentary rock composed of the shells of diatoms etc., used for polishing.
Tripoli prop.n. The capital city of Libya.
Tripoli prop.n. A city in Greece. Former name: Tripolis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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