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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing 2I, L, M and O

BIOFILMbiofilm n. (Biology, medicine) A thin film of mucus created by and containing a colony of bacteria and other microorganisms.
BIOFILM n. a thin layer of microorganisms.
DOMICILdomicil n. Archaic form of domicile.
DOMICIL v. to establish in a residence, also DOMICILE.
IDOLISMidolism n. (Obsolete) The worship of idols.
IDOLISM n. worship of idols.
LIMOSISlimosis n. (Medicine, obsolete) A ravenous appetite caused by disease; morbid excessive hunger.
LIMOSIS n. (Greek) an abnormally ravenous appetite.
LIONISMlionism n. (Dated) An attracting of attention, as a lion (celebrity); the treating or regarding as a lion.
LIONISM n. a lionlike appearance symptomatic of leprosy.
MILFOILmilfoil n. Common yarrow, Achillea millefolium.
milfoil n. Any of several similar pungent Eurasian herbs, of the genus Achillea.
milfoil n. Any plants of the genus Myriophyllum; water milfoil.
MILLIONmillion num. (Long and short scales) The cardinal number 1,000,000: 106; a thousand thousand.
million num. (Colloquial, hyperbolic) An unspecified very large number.
MILLION n. a thousand thousand.
MODIOLImodioli n. Plural of modiolus.
MODIOLUS n. (Latin) a bony shaft of the inner ear.
MOILINGmoiling v. Present participle of moil.
MOIL v. to drudge, work hard.
MONILIAmonilia n. Any fungus of the genus Monilinia.
MONILIA n. (Latin) a fungus of the Monilia genus, having conidia in branched chains.
SIMILORsimilor n. An alloy of copper and zinc, resembling brass, but of a golden colour; "[semilore] A species of Brass…
SIMILOR n. an alloy of copper and zinc, resembling brass, but of a golden color.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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