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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 18 six-letter words containing I, R, S and 2T

ARTISTartist n. A person who creates art.
artist n. A person who is skilled at some activity.
artist n. A recording artist.
BRITTSBRITT n. a young herring, also BRIT.
FRITTSFRITT v. to fuse into a vitreous substance, also FRIT.
SITTARSITTAR n. (Urdu) an Indian musical instrument, also SITAR.
SITTERsitter n. Someone who sits, e.g. for a portrait.
sitter n. One employed to watch or tend something; a babysitter, housesitter, petsitter, etc.
sitter n. A participant in a séance.
STRAITstrait adj. (Archaic) Narrow; restricted as to space or room; close.
strait adj. (Archaic) Righteous, strict.
strait adj. (Obsolete) Tight; close; tight-fitting.
STRATIstrati n. Plural of stratus.
STRATUS n. (Latin) a low-lying cloud resembling a horizontal fog bank.
STRICTstrict adj. Strained; drawn close; tight.
strict adj. Tense; not relaxed.
strict adj. Exact; accurate; precise; rigorously particular.
STRIFTSTRIFT n. a struggle.
STRIPTstript v. (Archaic) simple past tense and past participle of strip.
STRIP v. to remove the outer covering.
TETRISTetris prop.n. A puzzle video game in which falling tetrominoes must be manipulated to form complete lines, which are…
Tetris prop.n. (Figuratively) An endeavor involving rearranging things of different shape into a physical space.
Tetris n. (Video games, by extension) The act of clearing four lines at once (the maximum possible) in Tetris.
THIRSTthirst n. A sensation of dryness in the throat associated with a craving for liquids, produced by deprivation…
thirst n. The condition producing the sensation of thirst.
thirst n. (Figuratively) A want and eager desire (for something); a craving or longing.
THRISTthrist n. Obsolete form of thirst.
thrist v. Obsolete form of thirst.
THRIST v. (Spenser) to thirst.
TITERStiters n. Plural of titer.
TITER n. the concentration of a solution as determined by titration, also TITRE.
TITREStitres n. Plural of titre.
TITRE n. the strength of a chemical solution, also TITER.
TRAITStraits n. Plural of trait.
TRAIT n. (French) a characteristic or distinguishing feature.
TRISTEtriste adj. (Rare) sad.
triste n. (UK, dialect) A cattle fair.
TRISTE adj. (archaic) sad, also TRIST, TRISTFUL.
TRITESTRITE n. in Greek music, the third string of the lyre.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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