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There are 19 six-letter words containing I, N, P, S and T

INPUTSinputs n. Plural of input.
inputs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of input.
INPUT v. to enter data into a computer.
INSTEPinstep n. (Anatomy) The arched part of the top of the foot between the toes and the ankle.
instep n. A section of any footwear covering that part of the foot.
instep n. In horses, the hind leg from the ham to the pastern joint.
NEPITSnepits n. Plural of nepit.
NEPIT n. a unit of information, 1.44 bits.
PAINTSpaints n. Plural of paint.
paints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of paint.
Paints n. Plural of Paint.
PATINSpatins n. Plural of patin.
PATIN n. (obsolete) a plate; a metal disk used to hold Communion bread, also PATEN.
PINOTSpinots n. Plural of pinot.
PINOT n. (French) a variety of grape; a wine made from this.
PINTASpintas n. Plural of pinta.
PINTA n. (Spanish) a skin disease widespread in tropical America, caused by a spirochaete and characterized by rough blotchy skin.
PINTOSpintos n. Plural of pinto.
Pintos n. Plural of Pinto.
PINTO n. (Spanish) a spotted horse.
PISTONpiston n. A solid disk or cylinder that fits inside a hollow cylinder, and moves under pressure (as in an engine)…
piston n. (Music) A valve device in some brass instruments for changing the pitch.
piston v. (Intransitive) To move up and down or in and out like a piston.
PITONSpitons n. Plural of piton.
PITON n. (French) a metal spike used in mountain climbing.
POINTSpoints n. Plural of point.
points n. (Rail transport, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, India) Movable rails which can be used to switch…
points n. (Theater) Exaggerated speech or gestures used for emphasis during a performance.
POSTINpostin n. Alternative form of posteen.
POSTIN n. (Persian) an Afghan sheepskin coat, also POSTEEN, POSHTEEN.
POTINSpotins n. Plural of potin.
POTIN n. (French) an old alloy of copper, zinc, lead and tin.
PRINTSprints n. Plural of print.
prints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of print.
PRINT v. to produce by pressed type on a surface.
PTISANptisan n. Alternative spelling of tisane.
PTISAN n. (Greek) a wholesome or medicinal drink or infusion, originally specifically made with barley; now (esp.), a herbal tea, also TISANE.
SPINETspinet n. (Music) A short, compact harpsichord or piano.
spinet n. (Obsolete) A spinney.
SPINET n. a musical instrument like a small harpsichord, also SPINETTE, SPINNET.
SPINTOspinto n. (Music) A soprano or tenor voice of a weight between lyric and dramatic, capable of handling large musical…
SPINTO n. (Italian) a singing voice that is lyric and dramatic.
SPLINTsplint n. A narrow strip of wood split or peeled from a larger piece.
splint n. (Dentistry) A dental device applied consequent to undergoing orthodontia.
splint n. (Medicine) A device to immobilize a body part.
SPRINTsprint n. A short race at top speed.
sprint n. A burst of speed or activity.
sprint n. (Software engineering) In Agile software development, a period of development of a fixed time that is…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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