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There are 17 six-letter words containing I, M, S, T and U

AUTISMautism n. (Clinical psychology) A pervasive neurological condition that is observable in early childhood and persists…
autism n. (Clinical psychology) Synonym of autism spectrum (disorder); generalization of the specific to a range.
autism n. (Historical, clinical psychology, now medically obsolete) A diagnosis involving a pathological tendency…
LITMUSlitmus n. (Uncountable) A dyestuff extracted from certain lichens, that changes color when exposed to pH levels…
litmus n. A simple test of acidity in a liquid using litmus, usually in the form of litmus paper.
litmus n. A simple test of any attribute; a litmus test.
MISCUTmiscut adj. Cut incorrectly.
miscut v. To cut incorrectly.
miscut n. (Philately) Incorrect separation of postage stamps; a postage stamp resulted from such an error.
MISUSTmisust v. (Obsolete) simple past tense and past participle of misuse.
MISUST v. (Spenser) misused.
MUFTISmuftis n. Plural of mufti.
MUFTI n. (Arabic) civilian clothes, esp when worn by someone who normally wears a uniform.
MUISTSMUIST v. to powder, also MOUST.
MURTISmurtis n. Plural of murti.
MURTI n. (Sanskrit) an image of a deity which is itself considered divine once consecrated.
MUSITSmusits n. Plural of musit.
MUSIT n. (Shakespeare) a gap in a fence through which animals pass, also MUSET.
MUSKITmuskit n. Eye dialect spelling of musket.
MUSKIT n. (Nahuatl) a name for two trees of the southwestern part of North America, the honey mesquite, and screw-pod mesquite, also MESQUIT, MESQUITE, MEZQUIT, MEZQUITE.
MUTISMmutism n. A psychological disorder in which the sufferer cannot speak in certain situations.
MUTISM n. the condition of being mute.
OSTIUMostium n. A small opening or orifice, as in a body organ or passage.
ostium n. Any of the small openings or pores in a sponge.
ostium n. The mouth of a river.
SUBMITsubmit v. (Intransitive) To yield or give way to another.
submit v. (Transitive) To yield (something) to another, as when defeated.
submit v. (Transitive, intransitive) To enter or put forward for approval, consideration, marking etc.
SUMMITsummit n. (Countable) A peak; the topmost point or surface, as of a mountain.
summit n. (Countable) A gathering or assembly of leaders.
summit v. (Transitive, intransitive, hiking, climbing, colloquial) To reach the summit of a mountain.
SUMPITsumpit n. The poison dart used in the sumpitan, or Malay blowpipe.
SUMPIT n. (Malay) a Malay blowpipe made from a hollow cane, also SUMPITAN.
TIMOUStimous adj. Alternative spelling of timeous.
TIMOUS adj. timely; seasonable, also TIMEOUS.
TRUISMtruism n. A self-evident or obvious truth.
truism n. A banality or cliché.
TRUISM n. an obvious truth.
TUISMSTUISM n. the theory that individuals have a second or other self.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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