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There are 20 six-letter words containing I, M, N, O and S

AMINOSaminos n. Plural of amino.
AMINO n. a compound containing an amine with a nonacid radical.
AMNIOSamnios n. (Anatomy) amnion.
AMNIO n. (short for) an amniocentesis, a test of amniotic fluid for foetal abnormalities.
BONISMBonism n. (Uncommon) Synonym of Bon (“Tibetan indigenous religion”).
BONISM n. the doctrine that the world is mainly good but not perfect.
COSMINCosmin prop.n. (Obsolete) A former port on the western side of the Irrawaddy Delta, apparently near (or identical with) Bassein.
COSMIN n. a hard substance in fish scales, also COSMINE.
EONISMeonism n. (Sexology) The pretence of being the opposite sex, especially that by a man of being a woman; transvestism.
EONISM n. transvestism, especially by a man.
INMOSTinmost adj. The very deepest within; farthest from the surface or external part; innermost.
inmost n. That which is innermost; the core.
INMOST adj. farthest within.
JIMSONjimson n. Jimsonweed.
JIMSON n. a type of poisonous plant with white flowers and shiny fruits, also JIMPSON.
MINORSminors n. Plural of minor.
minors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of minor.
Minors prop.n. Plural of Minor.
MONIESmonies n. A plural of money.
monies n. Plural of mony.
MONEY n. an official medium of exchange and measure of value.
MONISHmonish v. (Archaic) To admonish; to warn.
MONISH v. to admonish; to warn.
MONISMmonism n. (Philosophy, religion) The doctrine of the oneness and unity of reality, despite the appearance of diversity…
monism n. (Historical, politics) The doctrine that there is a single source of political authority, especially…
MONISM n. the philosophical belief that matter, mind, etc., consist of one substance only, which is the only reality.
MONISTmonist n. An advocate of monism.
MONIST n. a believer in monism, the philosophical belief that matter, mind, etc., consist of one substance only.
MOSINGMOSE v. (Shakespeare) to have glanders.
MYOSINmyosin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a large family of motor proteins found in eukaryotic tissues, allowing mobility in muscles.
myosin n. An albuminous body present in dead muscle formed in the process of coagulation which takes place in rigor mortis.
MYOSIN n. a protein found in muscle tissue.
NOMISMnomism n. (Theology) The following of religious laws or commandments as the chief aspect of religiousness.
NOMISM n. the view that moral conduct consists in observance of laws.
ONIUMSoniums n. Plural of onium.
ONIUM n. a compound containing ions of the kind with names ending in -onium.
SIMONYsimony n. The buying or selling of spiritual or sacred things, such as ecclesiastical offices, pardons, or consecrated objects.
SIMONY n. the buying and selling of a church office.
SIMOONsimoon n. Alternative spelling of simoom.
SIMOON n. (Arabic) a hot, dry desert wind, also SIMOOM, SAMIEL.
SOMONIsomoni n. The official currency of Tajikistan, equal to 100 dirams.
SOMONI n. the standard monetary unit of Tajikistan.
TIMONSTIMON n. (obsolete) a helm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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