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There are 18 six-letter words containing I, L, S, T and U

GUILTSguilts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of guilt.
GUILT v. to cause someone to feel guilty.
INSULTinsult v. (Transitive) To be insensitive, insolent, or rude to (somebody); to affront or demean (someone).
insult v. (Transitive, also figuratively, obsolete) To assail, assault, or attack; (specifically, military) to…
insult v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To behave in an obnoxious and superior manner (against or over someone).
KITULSKITUL n. (Sinhalese) the jaggery palm; a fibre obtained from the leafstalks of this, used for making ropes, brushes, etc., also KITTUL.
LITMUSlitmus n. (Uncountable) A dyestuff extracted from certain lichens, that changes color when exposed to pH levels…
litmus n. A simple test of acidity in a liquid using litmus, usually in the form of litmus paper.
litmus n. A simple test of any attribute; a litmus test.
LITUUSlituus n. A military trumpet.
lituus n. An augur’s staff with a recurved top.
lituus n. (Geometry) A curve with polar equation 𝑟2θ=𝑎2, where a is a constant.
LUTISTlutist n. One who plays the lute.
LUTIST n. a lute-player, also LUTANIST, LUTENIST, LUTER.
QUILTSquilts n. Plural of quilt.
quilts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of quilt.
QUILT v. to stitch together with padding in between.
SITULAsitula n. (Archaeology) A deep ceramic vase with a wide opening.
SITULA n. (Latin) a bucket.
SLUITSsluits n. Plural of sluit.
SLUIT n. (South African) a narrow water-channel, also SLOOT.
SUBTILsubtil adj. Obsolete form of subtle; sly, artful, cunning.
SUBTIL adj. (archaic) subtle, delicate, also SUBTILE, SUBTLE.
SUNLITsunlit adj. Illuminated by sunlight.
SUNLIT adj. lit by the sun.
SUTILEsutile adj. (Formal, rare) Done by stitching.
SUTILE adj. done by stitching.
TRISULtrisul n. Alternative form of trisula.
TRISUL n. (Sanskrit) the trident of Siva, also TRISULA.
TUILEStuiles n. Plural of tuile.
TUILE n. (French) a thin cookie made with almonds.
TULIPStulips n. Plural of tulip.
Tulips prop.n. Plural of Tulip.
TULIP n. any plant or flower of the bulbous liliaceous genus Tulipa, with showy, usually solitary, flowers.
TULSIStulsis n. Plural of tulsi.
TULSI n. (Hindi) a type of basil, a sacred plant in Hindu belief.
ULITISulitis n. (Medicine) inflammation of the gums.
ULITIS n. inflammation of the gums.
UTILESutiles n. Plural of utile.
UTILE n. an African hardwood tree, a species of mahogany.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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