ACQUISITIVELY | • acquisitively adv. In an acquisitive manner; for the purpose of acquisition. • ACQUISITIVE adv. strongly desirous of acquiring and possessing. |
BIOEQUIVALENT | • bioequivalent adj. Describing the equivalence of multiple formulations of a drug in terms of bioavailability. • bioequivalent n. A formulation of a drug that is equivalent, in terms of bioavailability, to some other formulation. |
EQUIVALENCIES | • equivalencies n. Plural of equivalency. • EQUIVALENCY n. the state or property of being equivalent, also EQUIVALENCE. |
INQUISITIVELY | • inquisitively adv. In an inquisitive manner; curiously. • INQUISITIVE adv. given to examination or investigation. |
OVERQUALIFIED | • overqualified adj. Having too many qualifications to be deemed appropriate for a (usually unskilled) job. • OVERQUALIFIED adj. having more education, training, or experience than a job calls for. |
QUALIFICATIVE | • qualificative n. That which qualifies, modifies, or restricts; a qualifying term or statement. • QUALIFICATIVE adj. serving to qualify. • QUALIFICATIVE n. something serving to qualify. |
QUALITATIVELY | • qualitatively adv. In a qualitative manner. • qualitatively adv. With respect to quality rather than quantity. • QUALITATIVE adv. of, relating to, or involving quality or kind. |
QUICKSILVERED | • quicksilvered v. Simple past tense and past participle of quicksilver. • QUICKSILVER v. to coat with quicksilver. |
QUINQUIVALENT | • quinquivalent adj. (Chemistry) Having an atomic valence of 5. • quinquivalent adj. (Medicine) Having a vaccine valence of 5. • QUINQUIVALENT adj. having a valency of five, also QUINQUEVALENT. |
VENTRILOQUIAL | • ventriloquial adj. Of or relating to ventriloquy. • ventriloquial adj. Spoken to oneself. • ventriloquial adj. Of bird vocalisations, sounding as though emanating from a location other than where the vocalising bird is. |
VENTRILOQUIES | • ventriloquies n. Plural of ventriloquy. • VENTRILOQUY n. the production of the voice in such a way that the sound seems to come from a source other than the vocal organs of the speaker, also VENTRILOQUISM. |
VENTRILOQUISE | • ventriloquise v. Alternative form of ventriloquize. • VENTRILOQUISE v. to project the voice, also VENTRILOQUIZE. |
VENTRILOQUISM | • ventriloquism n. The art of projecting one’s voice without moving the lips so that it appears to come from another source… • VENTRILOQUISM n. the production of the voice in such a way that the sound seems to come from a source other than the vocal organs of the speaker, also VENTRILOQUY. |
VENTRILOQUIST | • ventriloquist n. A person, especially an entertainer, who practices ventriloquism. • VENTRILOQUIST n. one who uses or is skilled in ventriloquism. |
VENTRILOQUIZE | • ventriloquize v. (Intransitive) To practice ventriloquism. • ventriloquize v. (Transitive) To speak the words of (another person), as though by ventriloquism. • VENTRILOQUIZE v. to use ventriloquism, also VENTRILOQUISE. |